I got a Great deal on a Leaking Umarex Hammer .50

I was skimming the used section on AoA website, came across a used Umarex Hammer .50 cal, it was a leaker so it was discounted even more than usual, $300, I bought it and it was sent here in 3 days, I opened the package and thought," This looks like a brand new gun", perfect condition, not one scratch on it, so I check it over, and then pumped it up, yep it is leaking, found the leak at the bleed screw, tightened the screw and filled the gun to 3400 psi, checked the gun over with my electronic leak detector and did not pick up any leaks, so the leak was from a loose bleed screw, fixed in 10 minutes, been holding at 3400 psi for 4 days now..... ;) I just got a $800 plus gun for $300 :eek:, I love this kind of deal....:love:
just got the NSA .510 388gr slugs for it, going to test it out at the range today or tomorrow:cool:

Thanks Guys, I took it out to the range and put a few rounds through it, it was really windy here in east Texas so I didn't get a good dialing of the scope but good enough for testing, I was shooting NSA .510 388gr hollow points, they work well, nice fit in magazines, put about 8 shots through it then realized I forgot to bring a pair of Channel locks to loosen the charging manifold from the SCBA tank to switch to a new bottle and I also forgot the chrony, I'm getting old....o_O:sleep: well 8 shots was enough to see what she's going to do and she does good, I have a Millet 4-16x50 scope on it, very good glass, she's going to be a keeper, going to do some more sighting in at my friends when the wind is low....;)