I got scammed by GraphicMan Innovations on his "Pocket Press"

It did produced slugs. I haven’t try to shoot them yet. I’m still pissed off everytime I looked at this Toy Press. I had to press it a few times for the slugs to come out the weights I want. Unlike the Pressslug. I came make over 10 slugs in one minute. This probably 2 slugs per minutes.
It’s is very sensitive and fragile.
I feel I’m gonna break it every time I try to press a slug. I have to move very slowly.
I’m so regretted sending this guy money though bank wire, can’t get my money back. It’s lost forever. No wonder the other AGN members told me they didn’t get his dies because they not comfortable with the payment he’s asking for. PayPal good and service is the way to go with the kind of people.
sorry for the loss
You are absolutely right !
Even Without the die in the middle that press is absolutely junk ! It doesn’t even worth $425 for the thin piece of metals hold together by a few screws. I’m not even a bit impress with the needle and the punch on this toy press. The slug is not consistent. It takes way too long to make the slugs and it not even enjoyable to make slugs on this toy press. This guy
Recorded me on video chat without my consent. I just want to warn people on here not to waste their hard earn money
On this junk.
And when he did a video call to show me how to use it, I was trying my best to stay claim and see how he trying explain to me how to use this toy press! He won’t even show his face in the video chat . His webcam was off the whole time. He’s hiding his face!! Before I decided to write this review, I did talk to a few AGN members and show them this Toy Press. They were even upset for me. They told me I should warn other people about it so it won’t happen to them.
I wish that I would spend that money on GMI Freedom Press 2.
you should cut the crap because the more you speak the more crap you are saying
what does my face has to do with this crap u r saying?
i dont have a webcam on the pc i was using, what does my face has to do with you ?!
my face is already on my profile on my page, but as always u r just to lazy to check anything
just like the info given on the press videos
if there is one to blame it is just urself, for not thinking for one second, how can a 700 grams press look like a 9+ kg press!
if the material and look and weight is what you were after then why did u accept to buy something u did not see? that is because you have seen its performance , i am making much easier money with making the dies for different presses, i did not have any goals in selling a press, i made it to test the dies that i make, u lied about me urging you to buy the press, the whole chat is up there for everyone to see, point to me where i urged u to buy it
blame only urself, u promised me not to share the press pics, and lied , now u r blaming me for publishing the video calls and chat that i never promised not to publish, u started this, u r such a crap
hiding my face, looool!!
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I'd have to agree with the above. You paid $900 for a press you never even saw a pic of? Whoaaa horsey!, that's a huge mistake. I don't care what his story was about someone stealing his idea, he ain't getting any money til I see a pic of what I'm buying. He could have been totally legit, and who knows, maybe he is. I have no idea, but I ain't payin, til I see product, period. I mean, I might risk $50, but not that much.

I hate to say it and I hate that it's true, but people need to wise up on the internet. There are scammers everywhere and you have to protect yourself. Be smart, don't fall for fast talk, and dumb excuses. If it feels fishy then it likely is.
Looks like a very neat and tidy compact press that when disassembled would fit in a Cracker Jack box.

Why so angry that he promised not to share the press pics?
we had a deal before the purchase, not to publish the press pics, if i wanted so, i would have publish it on my page, he said ok and promised me not to, and to the last minute all our chat was friendly, u can see that from the chat and the video calls, even though out last chat (actually while he was making this thread) i told him that i will make a video for him to show how fast and accurate i can make slugs using it, and he said great, he said while making this thread, tell me how would u trust someone with this manners?! i really regret to send him my product, he dont even deserve to have it, this guy knows nothing about making and fabrication, he cant make a screw into wood without cracking it and he is judging my work and my welding skills!!!, there is nobody that was able to make a press that can swage slug at even 5 times this size/weight, the current Pocket Press is less than 500 grams and i can press 0.254" slugs with it with a single 0.95mm bleeding hole! the presslug have 2 holes every 1 is 1.35mm in diameter
if u dont like the press, other do like it, because under 500 grams u r paying the least international shipping, and it can pass the customs much easier than any other press, perhaps not a prob in the usa but it is in many other countries, and now u have some ignorant saying the press does work but if have serious faults , without using it! or even tried to make anything by themselves
I'd have to agree with the above. You paid $900 for a press you never even saw a pic of? Whoaaa horsey!, that's a huge mistake. I don't care what his story was about someone stealing his idea, he ain't getting any money til I see a pic of what I'm buying. He could have been totally legit, and who knows, maybe he is. I have no idea, but I ain't payin, til I see product, period. I mean, I might risk $50, but not that much.

I hate to say it and I hate that it's true, but people need to wise up on the internet. There are scammers everywhere and you have to protect yourself. Be smart, don't fall for fast talk, and dumb excuses. If it feels fishy then it likely is.
the press is $425
the rest is for die sets + a presslug needle replacement that he ruined! + shipping
NOW, after reading further on this, I think SCAMMED is an unfair & untrue term. There's a difference between being scammed & not being happy with a product. A scammer would not take the time to show up here & defend their position. They'd be running in the opposite direction & hiding out QUICKLY! I know you're unhappy with the product but it does seem you bought on impulse & without due diligence (like what bchannel said above about putting out big $). This now doesn't seem to me that you were "SCAMMED" as much as you entered into an ill advised transaction in which you own PART of the responsibility, you're now unhappy but laying ALL the blame on him.
NOW, after reading further on this, I think SCAMMED is an unfair & untrue term. There's a difference between being scammed & not being happy with a product. A scammer would not take the time to show up here & defend their position. They'd be running in the opposite direction & hiding out QUICKLY! I know you're unhappy with the product but it does seem you bought on impulse & without due diligence (like what bchannel said above about putting out big $). This now doesn't seem to me that you were "SCAMMED" as much as you entered into an ill advised transaction in which you own PART of the responsibility, you're now unhappy but laying ALL the blame on him.
exactly i kept saying the same, but not just that, this guy is a pure evil person, imagine he was writing this thread (and another one btw where he disabled the comments on it!) while chatting with me so nicely and the last we agreed on is to make a video to show him how to use it, i did not have press to show after i sent him it, it takes time to make. as soon as i made one i offered him that, and i kept checking on him how it goes ect, in addition he did not think twice to break his word and expose the press, i really stressed him not to do so before he pay me anything, and he agreed, thanks for your honest opinion
After looking closer at the pics, they are out of alignment.
the die and the punch have close to zero clearance, it is impossible to be out of alignment and to press at the same time
plz stop judging stuff that easy, the press works and the buyer said that also! he is just after the look , size and weight
FB /GraphicManInnovations/videos/1072570767804725/
correct the url to watch the video
here is his press in action (the same unit sent to him)
there is a very slight play on the shaft to ease the fit (floats)
if the clearance between the 2 is almost zero it is better to make what i have done, otherwise there will be rubbing with only 0.01mm of miss alignment
are you a machinist?

in addition, if the press is not strong enough to swag the lead it will deform even very slightly and if it did, it will be out of alignment and never press again which is not the case
That level of accuracy can not be judged by a picture. If the parts were welded and then properly machined, there is no reason they should be out of alignment.

I'll stick to my guns, I highly doubt it was line bored after welding. Material that is used Is basically sheet metal, not a precision part by any means.
exactly i kept saying the same, but not just that, this guy is a pure evil person, imagine he was writing this thread (and another one btw where he disabled the comments on it!) while chatting with me so nicely and the last we agreed on is to make a video to show him how to use it, i did not have press to show after i sent him it, it takes time to make. as soon as i made one i offered him that, and i kept checking on him how it goes ect, in addition he did not think twice to break his word and expose the press, i really stressed him not to do so before he pay me anything, and he agreed, thanks for your honest opinion
No need to thank me. I'm a person who tries to seek out the TRUTH in matters, not "alternative facts". I'm glad you showed up to present your side of the story as it was not quite as "black & white" as presented by the Original Poster. As in most things in life, there were many shades of grey to this issue. Good luck in your ventures.
Do I feel you were scammed? No

Do I feel the product's value is anywhere near its cost? No

Did you take a risk assuming the value would meet or exceed the cost without having pictures/blueprints/ect? Yes

Does the seller owe you anything, even an apology? No

Is exposing the product for what it is and is not, wrong? No

I'll stick to my guns, I highly doubt it was line bored after welding. Material that is used Is basically sheet metal, not a precision part by any means.
The fact that you are not sure is a good enough reason for most to not talk poorly of someone else’s livelihood or product. I make no claim that it is good or perfect but I cannot say that it is not either, because I am not sure. And I will not speculate.

To each their own.

The fact that you are not sure is a good enough reason for most to not talk poorly of someone else’s livelihood or product. I make no claim that it is good or perfect but I cannot say that it is not either, because I am not sure. And I will not speculate.

To each their own.

I know better and seen enough to make my judgment. Not going to feel sorry about it.