I got to say

Pistols are more fun to shot and are accurate, I shoot 25yds and have scoped all my pistols that I rest.I wish I could shoot offhand better,still I do alright,takes a lot of patience and practice.

I think a clean breaking trigger is very important ,it is easier to "pull" a shot when shooting a pistol.

I see rifle guys complain about too boring to hit this and that,well try to do it with a pistol and if it gets boring for you it is probably because you keep missing or maybe ...something else..Just saying.
well I agree 100% on the trigger needed to help you shoot well

the less time you are on the trigger the better you will shoot

I must ask are you shooting one handed or two when shooting offhand

if your grips allow two handed, practice a good strong Weaver stance

as you may know your strong hand pushes and you weak hand pulls back make a strong frame, also your weak hand shoulder should be forward of your strong side

back in my old .45 acp day I was taught that if you use the weaver stance correctly, the only thing that should move is the cuffs of your pants
I like a good pistol , I have three Beeman P 17 Fun and cheap.

My go to rattle snake guns, Got an old 177 Tempest about 30 years old I think, Bought a 22 cal P11 that I am not really liking that much. I think its a springier thang. 

Been looking real hard at the HW 44 PCP in 22 caliber 

all my pistols are open sites , No scope for me , Not on a pistol.

And occasionally... it all comes together!

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Yes ,weaver stance most of the time,unless I am shooting my CO2 6shooters,then it is one hand.

I love .45s had 8 of them at one time,down to two,butt those 2 are full on customs from well known builders,best I can do is2-3"at 25 yards.

I like to shoot,and that is why I sold so many of my powder burners,I can not shot them in my back yard,where as I can my air pistols and rifles....

Fact, I am ready to sell more powder burners and get more air pistols.....and maybe a Bull Moose, opps mean Bull Pup.

Always great to hear from pistol guys.

I love my HW44 .177. It's more than I ever thought I'd put into a pistol but it is really amazing, too bad I'm not. I scoped it with a Leupold 4x Pistol Scope and I can hit anything from 10 yards to 40 with absolute precision. I just can't do that with open sights and I really like to hit what I'm aiming at. 

Thing I'm starting to find in the last few years as I get older (still young enough though at 45) is that my eyes aren't able to shift their focus from target to front sight as quickly as they used to. A shorter handgun like a real steel Glock isn't an issue, but these precision pistols with longer sight radius make me struggle a bit. A red dot or a scope brings the fun factor back into shooting again.

The thing that bugs me a bit is the pistols with fixed sights where POA isn't even remotely close to POI. I've been finding that in most CO2 pistols which are replicas of real guns. Even the $300 ones totally suck in that regards. I found that very disappointing. 
I agree that non-magnifying red-dot sights are an excellent alternative to iron sights or magnifying scopes; in fact, often the best choice (for many applications). Bugs hell out of me too that many fixed-sight pistols don't shoot to point of aim; though understandable since any two sets of hands will shoot any one pistol to a different point of aim.

Some 'fixed sight" pistols can me made to shoot to point of aim through minor and/or creative coercions like filing down the front or rear sight; others not so much (in any practical way, at least). In many such cases, optical sights become a better solution. 

Though I've posted it before, for anyone that missed it here's a whole related chapter-

View attachment 1565639891_19194174115d51c4d32fc175.90466513_AP Sights pdf.pdf

Thanks for sharing your chapters. Always interesting to read about guns from when I was a kid with $50 Crossmans. 

While I agree that POA and POI may be individual for every person when I shoot a pistol off a bench and it's shooting 6 inches high and 1 inch left at 10 yards and there is nothing I can do about it - all my $50 BB guns shot better than that.