FX I hate the fx impact.

From the very be gaining the Impact is not a novice gun, Its for the expert that can take the gun down to very end and put it back together. I do not have the skill to replace 85 or how many O rings in a Impact , There is a lot and I mean a lot of videos on how to fix and repair a Impact,
I do not own a Impact, I am all thumps and have a hard time replacing a probe O ring!!!!!
I am not a FX hater I just like shooting my guns NOT WORKING ON THEM !!!
I been in this sport a long long time , I feel very good when I clean my barrels .
Uhhhhh, NO. they tend to leave out little details, partially because good old FX leaves them out, like the Maverick has two regs but COR only gives one set because FX only shows one, I pointed this out to them but never heard a thing. I really recommend getting the list of o-rings and just buying a bunch. MOST you will never use more than once, others like the regs, quite often. BE SURE on the regs, there are 3 rings that are N90 now, the two little suckers on the adjuster and the O-ring 10x1,5 NBR90. The O-Ring Store is a good source, good Taffy too. Personally I use Mobile 1 to lube them, NO it won't explode. It keeps the friction on moving parts way down, reducing wear.
I don't have a dog in this hunt but I found the back and forth very interesting. After going to Captain O-ring's site and seeing the M3 has a 68 ring rebuild kit I thought two things; 1. that's a lot of O-rings to replace at once or even if its just half you replace 2. maybe big box stores have a good point I previously hadn't considered; buy the latest cheap tech and throw the old gun away.

FX Impact M3 (.177/.22/.25/.30) Complete 68 Piece O-Ring Rebuild Kit

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not to derail the post. the maverick, which I like, has about 35 . The impact has more, quite a bit more. Is a great platform, but requires monitoring .
That was actually one of the deciding factors when I set down the Maverick that I was really lusting after, and chose a much simpler air gun.
I would still ike to have an FX, but not just yet.
It would probably be better to get a list of o rings and replace them with silicone o rings they supposedly last longer
Good luck with that, it's be fun to try, let us know how it works out. I've had darn few issues with my Mavericks and their 0-rings, especially since I tossed conventional wisdom out the window on lubrication.
I don't have a dog in this hunt but I found the back and forth very interesting. After going to Captain O-ring's site and seeing the M3 has a 68 ring rebuild kit I thought two things; 1. that's a lot of O-rings to replace at once or even if its just half you replace 2. maybe big box stores have a good point I previously hadn't considered; buy the latest cheap tech and throw the old gun away.

FX Impact M3 (.177/.22/.25/.30) Complete 68 Piece O-Ring Rebuild Kit

Interesting, 68 huh, somebody should tell FX to add them to their drawings, they only list 21, a few more for the different breech/probe calibers.
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Tell me more... what do you do?
My lube is Mobile 1 the lightest stuff they make, any synthetic would work, makes things slippery and keeps them that way for a long time. No it won't explode. I've tried to get pellets to diesel with it and ...nothing. Running about 125 bar. I use it on everything, very light wipes on o-ring, anything that has movement, especially the air probe/breech o-ring. It's my personal preference. Because I know darn little about 0-rings and the material they're made out of, I tend to be cautious, one would think that silicon might work but it need to be wear resistant on moving parts. It'd be interesting to try on the regulators.
My lube is Mobile 1 the lightest stuff they make, any synthetic would work, makes things slippery and keeps them that way for a long time. No it won't explode. I've tried to get pellets to diesel with it and ...nothing. Running about 125 bar. I use it on everything, very light wipes on o-ring, anything that has movement, especially the air probe/breech o-ring. It's my personal preference. Because I know darn little about 0-rings and the material they're made out of, I tend to be cautious, one would think that silicon might work but it need to be wear resistant on moving parts. It'd be interesting to try on the regulators.
Thanks for sharing! It makes sense. Mobil 1 is NOT petroleum product! Now I gotta experiment.
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My lube is Mobile 1 the lightest stuff they make, any synthetic would work, makes things slippery and keeps them that way for a long time. No it won't explode. I've tried to get pellets to diesel with it and ...nothing. Running about 125 bar. I use it on everything, very light wipes on o-ring, anything that has movement, especially the air probe/breech o-ring. It's my personal preference. Because I know darn little about 0-rings and the material they're made out of, I tend to be cautious, one would think that silicon might work but it need to be wear resistant on moving parts. It'd be interesting to try on the regulators.
What about grease, have you ever used grease on the moving area of the gun. In a firearms I use grease on anything that has friction and anything that needs protection. I'll use oil
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They have a lot of orings but many aren’t really sealing and you will rarely replace. If you can make it through the amp regulator you are golden. On the amp reg only 2 are an utter PIA. I personally could not make it through the amp rebuild. Probably with more practice but patience isn’t my virtue so nope I’m done. The reg orings are the most likely to fail and if you have a double regged gun I think that accounts for 12 of the orings right there. Give the amp reg rebuild a go. If you can become proficient at those the rest of the gun will be easy.
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They have a lot of orings but many aren’t really sealing and you will rarely replace. If you can make it through the amp regulator you are golden. On the amp reg only 2 are an utter PIA. I personally could not make it through the amp rebuild. Probably with more practice but patience isn’t my virtue so nope I’m done. The reg orings are the most likely to fail and if you have a double regged gun I think that accounts for 12 of the orings right there. Give the amp reg rebuild a go. If you can become proficient at those the rest of the gun will be easy.
THE worst 0-ring is the one down in the block, next up are the two little n-90's on the adjuster, the rest aren't too bad with the right technique.

I did TL100's reg today, replaced the piston with a brass one and all of the 0-rings, that damn one in the body was a certified PIA to get out. Measured his Belleville stack, for the most part all were identical, except for that were .1mm thicker. His stack should be good for up to 140bar. (edited to reflect correct users handle)

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THE worst 0-ring is the one down in the block, next up are the two little n-90's on the adjuster, the rest aren't too bad with the right technique.

I did paogei's reg today, replaced the piston with a brass one and all of the 0-rings, that damn one in the body was a certified PIA to get out. Measured his Belleville stack, for the most part all were identical, except for that were .1mm thicker. His stack should be good for up to 140bar.

Yes it is and where I gave up. I also had a super hard time getting the one in the very bottom of the upper part of the reg body back in. It took me an hour to get that little sucker in the groove. It kept just wanting to push below the spot it was supposed to set in and go down the middle of the reg. These tiny orings fx uses does make the gun much more frustrating than my Vulcan 3 or epoch so far.
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Yes it is and where I gave up. I also had a super hard time getting the one in the very bottom of the upper part of the reg body back in. It took me an hour to get that little sucker in the groove. It kept just wanting to push below the spot it was supposed to set in and go down the middle of the reg. These tiny orings fx uses does make the gun much more frustrating than my Vulcan 3 or epoch so far.
That 10mm one down there out of sight, I use a very sharp needle to grab it and work it loose,, try not to scratch the aluminum. I'm sure there is another way but that's my method, generally works pretty easily but today it was a total PIA. That little one in the reg body is actually pretty easy, shove it in all the way, get a section in the groove then push up from the bottom with a dowel and work it in. The little suckers need to be in boiling water to get them nice and hot, I use a reverse tweeter to open it up a bit then fingers to work it over the top and into the first groove, then rinse and repeat for the second one. Have lots of spares on hand these things are brittle, N90
s. I put the adjuster in upside down in the housing, and hold the housing in soft jaws so it's not moving around, makes it easier. A custom witches hat would work but it needs to be really small so not to stretch the 0-ring to breaking.
That 10mm one down there out of sight, I use a very sharp needle to grab it and work it loose,, try not to scratch the aluminum. I'm sure there is another way but that's my method, generally works pretty easily but today it was a total PIA. That little one in the reg body is actually pretty easy, shove it in all the way, get a section in the groove then push up from the bottom with a dowel and work it in. The little suckers need to be in boiling water to get them nice and hot, I use a reverse tweeter to open it up a bit then fingers to work it over the top and into the first groove, then rinse and repeat for the second one. Have lots of spares on hand these things are brittle, N90
s. I put the adjuster in upside down in the housing, and hold the housing in soft jaws so it's not moving around, makes it easier. A custom witches hat would work but it needs to be really small so not to stretch the 0-ring to breaking.
Good info 👍
If you spend 1000-2000 on an air gun:
-you better know how to fix it (when it's out of warranty, which seems to be 3 years for the FX queens)
-you believe that half inch groups are much better than 1 inch groups (at whatever range you choose)
-you dream at winning some ridiculous long range competitions
-you are a sucker
-or all of the above

You want 100+ yards accuracy, buy a $500 rifle instead of a $2000+ air gun.
As others have said, the worst 'o' ring to replace is the reg 'o; ring in the trigger block. Luckily it doesn't need changing often. Sometimes it's really quick and others it's frustrating. I use plastic round rods to re-set the new one, and a pick to pull it up from the bottom when it goes past the groove. I've realised thaht you have to be patient. I use silicone grease and a thicker liquid silicon one the
'o' rings. I use moly powder on the bellville washers and dri-lube on the hammer.....seems to all work quite well. I think familiarity is what makes it easy. I have stripped dozens of impacts and I now find it quick and easy ( I also have all of the 'o' rings needed at hand.