I have to show off my daughter’s skills!

So for multiple reasons I’ve never tried to get my daughter into shooting (mainly my wife disagreeing but that’s an entire thread to itself). Things have finally worked out and I’ve been teaching her some basics, turns out she’s better than me!

I started her off with my .177 marauder field target, it’s extra easy to shoot well and I wanted to give her confidence before doing anything else. Within 3 mags of 10 she was shooting a perfect 10 group at 10 yards. Moved her out to 30 yards and she was grouping about 2 inches consistently! So I upped the difficulty and had her try hitting my spinners (1 inch at 30 yards) and she hit 9 out of 10!

so I upped the difficulty again and had her try my Fwb124 . I thought the springer would be tough so again started her at 10 yards.....she did better than I did. 30 yards, same story. Spinners, 7 out of 10 ! This girls a natural :)

these are both 10 shot groups

10 yards with the fwb


30 yards fwb



look at that smile
That's great that she likes it even better that she is good at it. It's good not to limit our children in things that they are capable of doing. Both of my daughters love shooting and they both were better at it than any of the boys I took out with me. I exposed the girls to many things but let them decide on what they wanted to do. They were genuinely interested in a diverse group of subjects many often considered boy things. They both did track and field and chose to pole vault something I did but never told them about. My daughter beat my highest mark from high school. One went into weight lifting and took first in the national bench press. So once again she beat me I only got first in state. They did oil changes, tune ups, brakes and valve adjustments on their cars when they got older. Someday daughters will be mothers and teach generations of families what is moral and just in the world.
That’s really awesome

I have two daughters myself. One’s 2 1/2 and the other is only 9 months old. I simply can’t wait until they’re old enough to start shooting with me. I gave them both names that start with A’s. Was going to refer to them as my AAs when they got older😊 (that’s said “double A’s” as in Winchester AA shotgun shells for those that might not know what I’m referring to) that’s because I’m an enthusiastic sporting clay shooter and upland game bird hunter as well. my wife who is Chinese and came to the states several years ago will shot with me on a rare occasion. Shooting is only a thing of curiosity for her because where she grew up no one owns or shoots guns. She has no real passion for it. I think she’s still in a little awe that so many people here do own guns and such. But she’s very tolerant of my hobbies... ahmm, illnesses, cough cough. Every now and again she’ll make the mistake and ask me a question about my airguns or shotguns and I’ll go off on a tangent. I’ll finally stop when I realize she’s just starring at me with this blank expression and lost look in her eyes and I can hear the thought going through her mind “I married a mad man” 🤣 then she’ll roll her eyes and say “ ugh, whatever. I don’t know about those things”. That might read meaner than it is. She’s just teasing me when she says that. I tease her back though when she goes on about some woman thing. I’ll try and imitate her and roll my eyes and say “I don’t know about those things”. She’ll try and pretend to be mad at me for making fun of her but she can only laugh 🤣 
Anyways, I’m just hoping I can do some shooting and bonding with my daughters when they’re older. I’m a little jealous of you guys that are already at that point.