I have Umarex Baretta and i have some questions about CO2 cartridges

My gun is so old like 12 years ( but i didn't used for soo long ), Still working fine tho ! The only thing is i got replacement of gasket ! But today i just shooted 10 times and take off full CO2 cartridge will this damage my gun? Because i heard at someone leaving it inside will damage the gasket.

** Sorry for my bad english as well
First post, welcome! Lot of great guys here and you'll learn lots.

It should not be an issue for a few weeks to a month or so. I do it all the time and have had no issues. One time I left the CO2 in a pistol for about 6 months and had no gas loss or degrading of the seal. You may want to put a small drop of silicone based oil on the CO2 nipple before seating it. Regards
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