FX I haven’t shot my FX Impact M3 in 6 months. Is there anything I should do to the gun before I start shooting again?

Bet the POI has shifted. Paper thin barrels seem to be the issue 🤷🏻‍♂️
Barrels dont just shift for no reason. I love all my fx impacts. I've had zero issues out of any of them. Owned FX Impacts since 2016.
I guess some people would have issues with products if they don't know what they're doing and they are costantly tinkering with crap all the time.
Barrels dont just shift for no reason. I love all my fx impacts. I've had zero issues out of any of them. Owned FX Impacts since 2016.
I guess some people would have issues with products if they don't know what they're doing and they are costantly tinkering with crap all the time.
Google it if you doubt the POI shifts are very common with the Fx line. That’s what I see often.
Bet the POI has shifted. Paper thin barrels seem to be the issue 🤷🏻‍♂️
The only time I have ever experienced POI shift on an Fx was when I instead a barrel tensioning kit on my impact. Other than that I've never experienced any shifts on any of the 5 FX impact I have owned and tuned for friends/coworkers.
The gun has been stored in a case in a cool, dry closet. It has been stored with tank pressure is 210 bar.
The 1st reg was set to 200 bar and the gauge reads 200bar.
The 2nd reg was set to 150 bar and the gauge reads 155 bar, so it has crept 5 bar during the 6 months of storage.
That's an insignificant about of creep in 6 months. I would dry fire a couple times to make sure your reg resets accordingly. Also why increase the 1st reg to 210b rather than just removing it? Genuinely asking.
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I guess some people would have issues with products if they don't know what they're doing
I read a review of a person buying a night scope, i swear the guy probably did not know it was manual focus and did not bother to read the manual dropped a 1 star review too.
Pretty much everything was wrong with his new scope.

Regarding topic, i would just clean the sucker and go to work on those targets.
And like other said i would keep a eye for the gauges for a few shots just to be sure things ( needles ) land where they are supposed to do, though just shooting it will do the same.
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Poi will be a little different due to air pressure change at different outdoor temps. Doesn’t man there’s anything wrong the gun!
Dont have that issue with a plenium and a regulator. My fx impacts
The gun has been stored in a case in a cool, dry closet. It has been stored with tank pressure is 210 bar.
The 1st reg was set to 200 bar and the gauge reads 200bar.
The 2nd reg was set to 150 bar and the gauge reads 155 bar, so it has crept 5 bar during the 6 months of storage.
That's interesting. Your M3 came with the first set to 200 bar?

if you have upgraded to the power block and other odds and ends along the way these would be somewhere around 10bar lower because those upgrades actually make the gun that much more efficient.
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