Long story short, I just found it funny a bit, at first I found a reticle similar to my reticle on chairgun but still looked off somehow, and it kept throwing me off to the point I thought my scope sucked or my rifle is inaccurate lol. Until I found an option on chairgun elite to make my own reticle, long story short I spent an hour or so trying combinations to make it match my own Mrad scope reticle. I did a 70 yard group before hand and I was consistently shooting 5 dots lower. Previously the app was saying only 2 dots holdover. However after I made my own reticle on the app a 70 yard distance was showing a 5 dot holdover just like I experienced today while shooting. I will show you guys my reticle and the one I made as well as the settings I made maybe it helps someone in the future to know that if their reticle is not accurate with their app or not available they can make their own. I think I nailed it with mine albiet it was mostly guesstimating but hey if the poi is the same as where I'm hitting them it's correct right?
I'm attaching also a freehand (I wasn't on a table) group I did at 70 yards as well with some wind 4 shots I think I did ok for a newbie
I'm attaching also a freehand (I wasn't on a table) group I did at 70 yards as well with some wind 4 shots I think I did ok for a newbie