I may have lost my new P-rod

I ordered a p-rod from Crosman during their Black Friday deal. I bought an Avenger in October and felt that I wanted something a little lighter and shorter. I took the Hawke 2x7 off my pumper and mounted it on high rings, let my son shoot it a bit till we were getting decent groups at 50.


About this time, my 73 year old father starts complaining about pests in his yard staying just out of reach of his pumper. I told him he should pick up an Avenger, but he didn’t want to deal with a pump and all that.

A week later, my mother calls me, tells me to buy my dad a new pellet rifle for Christmas and put it on her credit card. Tempting, but I’m not buying something without feeling him out more. So we talk about it more. He doesn’t want a PCP gun, it’s too expensive. I tell him to take the new P-rod and just try it out. We did some practice with it, showed him how to load mags and topped off the air.

The first night he sent me this.


Tonight he sends me two more. Tells me he can’t find the forth one he shot. 


From what he tells me, these are 20-25 yard shots. I set him up shooting 15.89 Hades. That’s a heck of a lot of rabbits for one man on 3 acres!
Rabbits are scarce as hens teeth in South Alabama. Ever since the 1980's coyotes starting migrating into the state along with the damn armadillos. Before that rabbits were plentiful. The coyotes devastated indigenous species including quail. You seldom see a rabbit now days. However, farming practices of clean fence rows, etc also contributed to lost habitat and the downfall of rabbits and quail.. But, we have plenty of gray squirrels and some fox squirrels in some spots I certainly have been at war with the gray squirrels in my yard. Deer have proliferated and cause much agricultural damage.
He dropped 3 squirrels over the weekend with it. I've got to top off his air today. He's down to 2200. I ordered him a couple of the pic rails from Buck Rail to put on it so he can mount his flashlight, and I gave him the box and AR stock adapter this morning. I know I have a cheap adjustable stock in a box somewhere to put on it. We'll need to find him a hand pump or a cheap compressor. He really doesn't shoot to practice, it's all pesting for him, so he hasn't run through much air.