I never know that rats would.....

Glem, you were effing them rats up. Definitely a bumper crop of them, you guys need to back up and "nuke the site from a low earth orbit" -- Aliens

Lol, not a bad plan!

We were getting nervous the rotating poison was going to be the end of them. Numbers have been dropping off the last year and a half or so. But last 2 times have been very hot!

for some strange reason you guys are making me wish i had rats around my backyard

I don't want them in my yard but at local farms forsure. My favorite quarry.

Rat a tat tat some nice shooting at those rats. I like the shot where the rat was traveling down the pipe towards you. Bill

I love that one too, thanks for watching.

Break dancing rats!

Haha WHAP, let the party start.

That reminded me of the old movie Willard….

Tony P

Had to look that one up, might check it out 👍

get'em any way you can Glem, Rats deserve nothing but the best shot anywhere...... Texas Heart shots are the best.... ;)

I feel the same way, thanks Kevin!