For those curious about how I made a square cut with the bandsaw, here you go.
I made a simple jig with scrap wood screwed together making sure that it was 90 degrees square.
I was able to use the top of the stock as the reference, since it was flat, to clamp to the jig.
The width of the fore end and the widest part of the raised cheek were the same so all I had to do was lay it (stock) on it's side so it was perpendicular to my bandsaw blade.
I used one C clamp with a small thin scrap as a caul to secure the stock the the jig.
Next step was to saw my line that I had drawn out on blue painters tape and was stuck to the stock.
You can see how basic it is in the images. The main thing was having a good blade, properly set up bandsaw and taking my time. This took me a couple hours for three evenings to complete this with about 4 hours on that last day to get all the finer fit details completed. I'm guessing about 8 hours total time start to finish.
Thank you to everyone for all of the positive words and compliments. This is great hobby for me and I like working wood too!