I will never buy Bushnell again.

Two years back I purchased a Bushnell Nitro 5-20x44 FFP scope. I had no complaints out of it, great clarity and was a generally nice scope. It also had their new Ironclad Warranty which states: "All Bushnell products are engineered to deliver to your expectation and manufactured to withstand the rigors of the outdoors for the lifetime of the product. In the event that our product fails you, we will stand behind it and repair it at no cost to you. If we can’t repair it then we will replace it with a product of equal or better value. No receipt required and fully transferable." Well I am here to tell you that is a horsepoop guarantee. I had my gun leaning against the bench and it slid out of my grasp and fell. I didn't drop it out of a tree stand. I didn't toss it out of a moving truck. It slowly slid in an arc and hit the dirt from 15 some odd inches off the ground. As soon as it happened I picked it up and found the mag wheel no longer turned and had a small, maybe 1/64" ding in it. Well now was time for the Ironclad Warranty to shine right? I boxed it up and sent it to Bushnell repair and they kept it for 2 weeks and sent it back without doing anything to it with a note that says "dented/dropped, beyond repair, obsolete/no parts". They also added a cheeky note that I could purchase another obsolete scope the Nitro 3-12x44 SECOND EFFING Focal plane for $250!! Suffice it to say that I will never buy a Bushnell product again.
I had a pair of Steiner Commander binoculars which were combat lossed in the first Gulf war and then issued to me.

About 10 years ago I left them in a bucket outside and forgot I had left them. It rained. Winter cane bucket Frozen unfrozen Frozen unfroze the next summer I found them.

I put them in a box and sent them to Steiner in Colorado. I wrote a note and explained what happened. I asked them to give me an estimate on what the cost would be to have them repaired. Told them that they had sentimental value and if they didn't want to repair them to ship them back.

They shiped them back with another Brand New pair. You cannot beat that kind of service. I will never buy another brand.

@Adam Why give up on getting your scope replaced under the warranty? Could it be that you dealt with a crappy customer service representative? Did anyone point to some clause in small print that voids the warranty in the event of user error? “The rigors of the outdoors” should entail falling, dropping objects, exposure to heat, water, ice, etc. Have you attempted to speak with another customer service rep, a manager, or someone in another department?
From Bushnell's website:


All Bushnell products are engineered to deliver to your expectation and manufactured to withstand the rigors of the outdoors for the lifetime of the product. In the event that our product fails you, we will stand behind it and repair it at no cost to you. If we can’t repair it then we will replace it with a product of equal or better value. No receipt required and fully transferable.

*All Bushnell® products carry a product lifetime warranty against defects in workmanship or materials. Product lifetime is defined as 30 years for Riflescopes, 20 years for binoculars and spotters, 5 years for electro-optics and electronic components (laser rangefinders, red dot sights, reflex sights, speed gun radars, night vision) and 2 years for trail cams. This warranty does not cover Bushnell Golf, please click here to view Bushnell Golf product warranty information. Coverage period start date is determined by proof of purchase or manufacturing date of the product. This warranty does not cover cosmetic damage; damage caused by failing to properly maintain the product; loss; theft; damage as a result of unauthorized repair, modification, or disassembly; intentional damage, misuses, or abuse. This Warranty will be void if the date stamp or other serialization codes have been removed from the Product. We may replace your product with a product of equal or better physical condition. To view the full warranty and the details of the warranty, click the link below.

Download Warranty Details
@Adam Why give up on getting your scope replaced under the warranty? Could it be that you dealt with a crappy customer service representative? Did anyone point to some clause in small print that voids the warranty in the event of user error? “The rigors of the outdoors” should entail falling, dropping objects, exposure to heat, water, ice, etc. Have you attempted to speak with another customer service rep, a manager, or someone in another department?

I haven't yet but I will be calling Monday to speak with someone. The fact that they offered me a $150 off of a $400 scope to replace the $700 one is really salt in the wound.
I agree, try again....explain to them what happened, be honest! If push comes to shove you might even offer to pay a small amount due to your negligence to a small degree. Cannot believe it is beyond repair if it is as you described. If you dont get anywhere, there are all sorts of places to tell others about your experience, bad publicity can really hurt a big company. Cool down andctry again, I think you mmight get somewhere by going further up the ladder. Many years back Bushnell was terrible for their warranty service and sales bottomed out, but I was ubder the impression they had turned around the product quality as well as warranty service.. Another reason I use Leupold only!!
Yeah Backstop that makes me think if he wrote a letter to someone higher up in management explaining the problem that he has and in fact giving them details on the response that he got and where he got that response somebody would probably get their tail kicked and Bushnell would take care of the problem.

The thing that caught my attention is the OP says they claimed the scope was "...obsolete/no parts." Yet, I did a quick search and found this scope still for sale on Bushnell's website.

At least they are selling one with the exact same name and specs anyway...
bushnell 2.1637454010.jpg

This is the letter sent back with my scope
Yeah Backstop that makes me think if he wrote a letter to someone higher up in management explaining the problem that he has and in fact giving them details on the response that he got and where he got that response somebody would probably get their tail kicked and Bushnell would take care of the problem.

The thing that caught my attention is the OP says they claimed the scope was "...obsolete/no parts." Yet, I did a quick search and found this scope still for sale on Bushnell's website.

At least they are selling one with the exact same name and specs anyway...

I didn't claim it was obsolete, bushnell did. It is on the site but you can't buy it.
Yeah Backstop that makes me think if he wrote a letter to someone higher up in management explaining the problem that he has and in fact giving them details on the response that he got and where he got that response somebody would probably get their tail kicked and Bushnell would take care of the problem.

The thing that caught my attention is the OP says they claimed the scope was "...obsolete/no parts." Yet, I did a quick search and found this scope still for sale on Bushnell's website.

At least they are selling one with the exact same name and specs anyway...

I didn't claim it was obsolete, bushnell did. It is on the site but you can't buy it.

That's what I said.


Didn't try to put it in my cart until you replied and I went back to Bushnell. You are correct, you can't buy it or at least I could not click to add it to my cart.

Also, didn't see your post of the pic of the receipt until I posted this reply.

Good luck when you call them on Monday. Hopefully, this is all just a SNAFU and will be corrected. However, it doesn't leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling about Bushnell. I don't own any and depending on how this turns out, I may never own ANY Bushnell product.
My best friend sent his in in January of this year. When he called they tell him that they are going to give him a Engage model. Keep claiming it’s stuck off shore. His scope retails for more then the Engage model. He asked how about a pro target model. They told him they don’t have any in stock. If you go to their website it shows in stock. ( I looked online for him.) I was going to buy the Pro Target model and was looking at their Elite series as well. But after the way they have treated my friend. I wouldn’t buy anything from them. I have purchased over ten different scopes in the past year. From $400 to $1800. But I won’t buy Bushnell or Weaver. I won’t get into the Weaver story. But they are just as bad.