I wish someone devise a way to regulate a Sumatra

I've figured out the pressure sweet spot for all my Sumatras and when it's shooting at the top of the curve it's just automatic. This past weekend shooting standing with a Caldwell Magnum fieldpod at 100 yards I was able to do a 5 shot group with all the pellets touching. And I'm not a great paper puncher by any stretch. It's a shame that with 500cc of air you can only get about 18 great shots per fill. Someone please make a regulator for this gun. 
 Doesn't seem a stretch to me but I'm an old timer.
One reason the Career 707 became popular ( before the "II" model when it still just had High Higher and HIGHEST power setting & long before the .20 cal only Sumatra) was,................................................... it was the first air rifle - with good barrel- that could shoot an entire Field Target match on a single fill. But it NEEDED a regulator to get UNDER .20fpe in .177 hince "The A-Team" , now team Crosman of Han's & Ray A. You they made regulators for the Career 707 & later models for .177 ( something close to a 30fpe rifle stock) .22 and .25 , along with trigger kits ( FT folks like good trigger's . Naturally power when down and shot count went up.
The .25 career 707 and 707II which made 90fpe stock with NO shot curve made 50fpe WITH a regulator, cant recall how many shots. The 30fpe .177 model reduced to sub "20fpe" and 60 shots. .
Their's was a less popular d NOT vent the air-tube ( some draw backs to such units) but did work if you knew how to run it.
It would nothing more than money to regulate a Sumatra.
A single tube rifle, or one that merged twin tubes rently than the original Sumatra or career and was vented to atmosphere would be even easier.

They did exist. IF the money was there to be made someone would step up to make them. Even a one-off would cost toooooo much.

Reg on brother.

I actually have one of the old A-Team regulator. I didn't know the A-Team and Crosman were the same people. I'm going to contact them to see if it's possible to get a hold of a spring set for a Sumatra. The person who sold me the reg said it will work with the 380cc Sumatra. I haven't installed it yet because I've been so busy. All 3 of my Sumatras are very accurate when you figure out the right power setting and shoot at the top of the curve.
 "Crosman" being Han's & Ray yup "The A-Team" and I "believe" (?) one could have made the pendulum area larger on power would have been higher but shot count lower which would have suited me as I DO like regulators. And I do believe the original A-Team trigger spring kit would fit right in ( at least the priginal if not all) Sumatra's, I also believe they no longer sell the kit's-spring- but you could likely find one.

"blackdiesel"I've figured out the pressure sweet spot for all my Sumatras and when it's shooting at the top of the curve it's just automatic. This past weekend shooting standing with a Caldwell Magnum fieldpod at 100 yards I was able to do a 5 shot group with all the pellets touching. And I'm not a great paper puncher by any stretch. It's a shame that with 500cc of air you can only get about 18 great shots per fill. Someone please make a regulator for this gun.
Check out the Robert Lane design regulator or the Altaros regulators. I think they can be fitted on the Sumatra. I could be mistaken but it's worth a shot. 
"blackdiesel"I've figured out the pressure sweet spot for all my Sumatras and when it's shooting at the top of the curve it's just automatic. This past weekend shooting standing with a Caldwell Magnum fieldpod at 100 yards I was able to do a 5 shot group with all the pellets touching. And I'm not a great paper puncher by any stretch. It's a shame that with 500cc of air you can only get about 18 great shots per fill. Someone please make a regulator for this gun.
Well, there is always the external regulator / tethered tank option which would provide you with the optimal pressure with the added benefit of a much larger supply of air. I have been eyeballing the HUMA external inline regulator and a small carbon fiber buddy tank between 12-16 cf. The regulator sits between the cf tank and your Sumatra and can be adjusted to provide the optimal pressure to suit your rifles sweet spot.

Another option would be to tether a Ninja 90ci fill station to your Sumatra. The Ninja would provide 2900 psi regulated output pressure and would give 16cf of air to shoot your heart out.

"blackdiesel"I've figured out the pressure sweet spot for all my Sumatras and when it's shooting at the top of the curve it's just automatic. This past weekend shooting standing with a Caldwell Magnum fieldpod at 100 yards I was able to do a 5 shot group with all the pellets touching. And I'm not a great paper puncher by any stretch. It's a shame that with 500cc of air you can only get about 18 great shots per fill. Someone please make a regulator for this gun.
Check out the Robert Lane design regulator or the Altaros regulators. I think they can be fitted on the Sumatra. I could be mistaken but it's worth a shot.
Neither Lane or Altaros makes regs for Sumatra.
"blackdiesel"I've figured out the pressure sweet spot for all my Sumatras and when it's shooting at the top of the curve it's just automatic. This past weekend shooting standing with a Caldwell Magnum fieldpod at 100 yards I was able to do a 5 shot group with all the pellets touching. And I'm not a great paper puncher by any stretch. It's a shame that with 500cc of air you can only get about 18 great shots per fill. Someone please make a regulator for this gun.
Well, there is always the external regulator / tethered tank option which would provide you with the optimal pressure with the added benefit of a much larger supply of air. I have been eyeballing the HUMA external inline regulator and a small carbon fiber buddy tank between 12-16 cf. The regulator sits between the cf tank and your Sumatra and can be adjusted to provide the optimal pressure to suit your rifles sweet spot.

Another option would be to tether a Ninja 90ci fill station to your Sumatra. The Ninja would provide 2900 psi regulated output pressure and would give 16cf of air to shoot your heart out.

Not really looking to tether a gun. I don't normally shoot paper and don't want to be confined to a table, I saw a youtube video of a person making an internal reg for a Sumatra but it's non-English and I got no response when I contacted them.