Idaho's Airgun Regulations Are Available:


Sep 11, 2018
In January of 2018 - even before the Airgun Sporting Association was official - we met with Virgil Moore (who was then Director of Idaho Game & Fish) and learned that they were very interested in legalizing airguns for big game. Over the past year, the idea of allowing airguns for big game hunting in Idaho has gone through a lot of debate/discussion and we now are able to see the return on a lot of work put in by airgun enthusiasts Idaho and neighboring western states. We just learned for one of our Idaho air gunners, Rick O'Neal, that Idaho's 2019 - 20120 Season and Rules Guide for Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat is out - I suspect the guide for elk and deer will hit the streets soon. Page 33 of the guide that is out says: "Any airgun used for big game must use pre-charged, pneumatic power to propel a projectile (excluding shot and arrows) with unignited compressed air or gas and bullets at least thirty-five (0.35) caliber for deer, pronghorn antelope, mountain lion, or gray wolf, and at least forty-five (0.45) caliber for elk, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or black bear. Fish and Game recommends that airguns used to hunt big game animals be capable of producing at least 350-foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle of the barrel.

This is great news for air gun enthusiasts and the Association commends the Idaho Game & Fish for supporting this action.

Keep an eye on the hunting guide map on the Association's website (sponsored by Pyramyd Air) for updates to air gun related hunting regulations across the country.

I am very glad to hear air gun hunting is expanding. I would like to add a few FACTS. Kip Perow has met with I daho game and fish as well. I have been present on a couple of phone conversations and I know he did a whole educate and promote SAFE airgunning an what ftlbs is humane etc. Kip flew to Idaho and educated game and fish he was also instrumental in getting Arizona finalized

and other states are in process. Kip did this on his own dime with no help from ANYONE. Kips love for airgunning and the SURVIVAL of it is a passion unmatched by anyone I have ever seen in the 5-6 years I have been involved. Kips experiences in this field with his multiple trips to South Africa and being the first in Arizona to take a Bear and Mountain lion with airgun as well. So he is not just a talker he is a hunter and lives it daily. 
Bruce54 - "recommends" is the word used in the regulations for moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat. Maybe when the regulations come out for elk and deer we will see more clarity.

A2ZBen - You are correct, Kip Perow played a big part in what has occurred in Idaho. He has also been a player in a number of western states that have recently considered changes in their airgun related regulations.
Papy_Yosh / racer1 - At this point, the only regulations that are out are those related to moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat. I'm expecting to see an addendum to the 2018-2019 elk and deer regulations sometime soon and will let you know as soon as I see them (if you don't see them first). To your question about seasons - these new airgun regulations are for the firearms season only. I'll pass along more as I hear it and I'm hoping you folks in Idaho are keeping an eye out for more information.
I heard back from Idaho Fish & Game leadership yesterday and they confirmed that the big game regulations for the 2019 season have been finalized and will be out soon. The airgun specific regulation will be identical to what was stated in the 2019 – 2020 Season and Rules Guide for Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat – "Any airgun used for big game must use pre-charged, pneumatic power to propel a projectile (excluding shot and arrows) with unignited compressed air or gas and bullets at least thirty-five (0.35) caliber for deer, pronghorn antelope, mountain lion, or gray wolf, and at least forty-five (0.45) caliber for elk, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or black bear. Agency leadership also confirmed that the muzzle energy recommendation (capable of producing at least 350-foot-pounds of energy for big game) is just that - a recommendation. Reading between the lines, I suspect the decision makers had some concern about the capabilities of airguns for hunting big game and injected this power "recommendation." We all know the importance of shot placement and understanding the capabilities of your equipment to ensuring an ethical kill. Now that it is legal to hunt big game in Idaho with an airgun, it is incumbent upon us to ensure that our kills are ethical - we certainly don't want to give those decision makers reason to think they should not have allowed airguns for big game. Happy airgun hunting!
Well Done getting the updated info!! You must have a better telephone number to contact than me.I'm still waiting on a callback.

The F & G concerns about power and calibers are valid. There are many "road hunters" that converge here in Idaho every hunting season. Plenty of locals too. Following up in the spring time shows numerous winter kills from wounding.

All weapon types are represented. PB's,muzzle loaders,archery etc. It seems few people practice before going afield or commit to tracking a wounded animal based on conversations with many of "Those guys".

I agree that we airgunners must set a far better sportsmanship example. We will be under more scrutiny as the new kids.

The upside will be for awhile the average person will not go into Wally world and kit up the night before "The big hunt".