IFX M4 vs. M3?

Is the FX M4 really that much better than the M3?
No, just a better trigger system, slightly bigger plenum, and a copy cat of the top rail system that BRK has. Depending on which model/year M3 you get will define whether you get the newer AMP reg (brass piston) or the older (plastic piston).
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If you are like me (FX fan) and you find the trigger on the +$2,000.00 M3 to be an abysmal joke for the money you might be tempted to dip your wallet into the M4 pond.
I chose not to. All that money for a good (?) trigger that should have been on their flag ship gun from introduction in 2017 or whenever it first came out.
I Have spent hours trying to tune my Impact triggers to attain what FX claims is a match grade trigger. A pox on FX for stating that trigger is match grade. I finally just eliminated the first stage and use only the second. My Impacts now have pretty good triggers but I prefer a two stage.
I don’t trust FX’s evaluation of what constitutes a match grade trigger.
If you are like me (FX fan) and you find the trigger on the +$2,000.00 M3 to be an abysmal joke for the money you might be tempted to dip your wallet into the M4 pond.
I chose not to. All that money for a good (?) trigger that should have been on their flag ship gun from introduction in 2017 or whenever it first came out.
I Have spent hours trying to tune my Impact triggers to attain what FX claims is a match grade trigger. A pox on FX for stating that trigger is match grade. I finally just eliminated the first stage and use only the second. My Impacts now have pretty good triggers but I prefer a two stage.
I don’t trust FX’s evaluation of what constitutes a match grade trigger.

I have done this and now am happy with the trigger. Technically I have eliminated the 1st stage as you have said. But at the same time I have incorporated an other way of having the 1st stage which is completely independent of 2nd stage.
M4 is better trigger, bigger plenmun, easily slots for trigger and prob adjustments, sliding top rail, and just look way badass. If you getting a new impact, why the heck would you go for an m3? Unless you get a good deal on a m3, I would suggest just get the m4 if price is very close. The only way I would get a m3 over an m4 is if I can find a m3 under $1500. If not, m4 is the way to go.
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