I’m an airgunning failure.

I sometimes feel I am letting the airgun community down, certainly the airgun industry.

I have been ogling a few quality PCP rifles – Daystate, BRK, Air Arms & FX. I also recently sold an unrelated item and have a bit of cash to spend. But I just can’t make myself pull the trigger.

I have indulged in other interests and gone down many a rabbit hole, acquiring lots of the associated goodies along the way. Much ends up as just more stuff little used. Recently revived interest in shooting and am doing so with airguns. Trying really, really hard to not go down another rabbit hole. Did so a little early on but have sold a couple of extraneous pieces. Lesson learned from before: more stuff doesn’t always mean more enjoyment.

I find that I do well to shoot what I have often enough to master those. Plus what I have are so simple to use, a springer and a SSP match rifle and a SSP match pistol (all high quality no junk, cry once). No compressors and the associated accoutrements and maintenance, no tanks to buy and refill, no fuss, just rifle, scope and pellets. Bought quality so no need to ‘upgrade’ to the next latest thing.

Mastering the springer is notably improving my skills with the other two, certainly not world class shooting but getting better, still pushing myself to improve. More stuff, different stuff is not a substitute for developing one’s skills, another lesson learned in other pursuits.

Sorry I am not doing my part to fit in, be one of the cool kids. Sorry, industry for not buying more and more stuff, not just pellets. Sorry I won’t be asking how to turn my .177 springer into a .50 cal. elephant gun as entertaining as that nonetheless might be. Obviously I’ll have no You-Tube videos forthcoming, watching skills develop is like watching paint dry. Thinking I should turn in my airgun man card and accept my public shaming for not keeping up.

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I sometimes feel I am letting the airgun community down, certainly the airgun industry.

I have been ogling a few quality PCP rifles – Daystate, BRK, Air Arms & FX (apologies for that last one). I also recently sold an unrelated item and have a bit of cash to spend. But I just can’t make myself pull the trigger.

I have indulged in other interests and gone down many a rabbit hole, acquiring lots of the associated goodies along the way. Much ends up as just more stuff little used. Recently revived interest in shooting and am doing so with airguns. Trying really, really hard to not go down another rabbit hole. Did so a little early on but have sold a couple of extraneous pieces. Lesson learned from before: more stuff doesn’t always mean more enjoyment.

I find that I do well to shoot what I have often enough to master those. Plus what I have are so simple to use, a springer and a SSP match rifle and a SSP match pistol (all high quality no junk, cry once). No compressors and the associated accoutrements and maintenance, no tanks to buy and refill, no fuss, just rifle, scope and pellets. Bought quality so no need to ‘upgrade’ to the next latest thing.

Mastering the springer is notably improving my skills with the other two, certainly not world class shooting but getting better, still pushing myself to improve. More stuff, different stuff is not a substitute for developing one’s skills, another lesson learned in other pursuits.

Sorry I am not doing my part to fit in, be one of the cool kids. Sorry, industry for not buying more and more stuff, not just pellets. Sorry I won’t be asking how to turn my .177 springer into a .50 cal. elephant gun as entertaining as that nonetheless might be. Obviously I’ll have no You-Tube videos forthcoming, watching skills develop is like watching paint dry. Thinking I should turn in my airgun man card and accept my public shaming for not keeping up.


It's OK, I'll hold up your end. Keep your .177 springer, show us your progress and we will call it all good. ;)
Congratulations on having one of those bank accounts that a fella ain't afraid to check in on
Not always been the case. Have kited checks in my time to keep the bills paid. Learned along the way to buy quality and take care of what I acquired. And to do without until I could. Buying quality once is always cheaper than buying cheap repeatedly.
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I sometimes feel I am letting the airgun community down, certainly the airgun industry.

I have been ogling a few quality PCP rifles – Daystate, BRK, Air Arms & FX (apologies for that last one). I also recently sold an unrelated item and have a bit of cash to spend. But I just can’t make myself pull the trigger.

I have indulged in other interests and gone down many a rabbit hole, acquiring lots of the associated goodies along the way. Much ends up as just more stuff little used. Recently revived interest in shooting and am doing so with airguns. Trying really, really hard to not go down another rabbit hole. Did so a little early on but have sold a couple of extraneous pieces. Lesson learned from before: more stuff doesn’t always mean more enjoyment.

I find that I do well to shoot what I have often enough to master those. Plus what I have are so simple to use, a springer and a SSP match rifle and a SSP match pistol (all high quality no junk, cry once). No compressors and the associated accoutrements and maintenance, no tanks to buy and refill, no fuss, just rifle, scope and pellets. Bought quality so no need to ‘upgrade’ to the next latest thing.

Mastering the springer is notably improving my skills with the other two, certainly not world class shooting but getting better, still pushing myself to improve. More stuff, different stuff is not a substitute for developing one’s skills, another lesson learned in other pursuits.

Sorry I am not doing my part to fit in, be one of the cool kids. Sorry, industry for not buying more and more stuff, not just pellets. Sorry I won’t be asking how to turn my .177 springer into a .50 cal. elephant gun as entertaining as that nonetheless might be. Obviously I’ll have no You-Tube videos forthcoming, watching skills develop is like watching paint dry. Thinking I should turn in my airgun man card and accept my public shaming for not keeping up.


If you turn in your card I need to turn in mine as well. I have 1 springer, and have done nothing but shoot the crap out of it to see what I could do with it. It is essentially stock. It had to be refurbished after about 15000 pellet, but otherwise it seems good to me. Just keeping the pellet companies in business. Well, and the seal and parts replacements.
I sometimes feel I am letting the airgun community down, certainly the airgun industry.

I have been ogling a few quality PCP rifles – Daystate, BRK, Air Arms & FX (apologies for that last one). I also recently sold an unrelated item and have a bit of cash to spend. But I just can’t make myself pull the trigger.

I have indulged in other interests and gone down many a rabbit hole, acquiring lots of the associated goodies along the way. Much ends up as just more stuff little used. Recently revived interest in shooting and am doing so with airguns. Trying really, really hard to not go down another rabbit hole. Did so a little early on but have sold a couple of extraneous pieces. Lesson learned from before: more stuff doesn’t always mean more enjoyment.

I find that I do well to shoot what I have often enough to master those. Plus what I have are so simple to use, a springer and a SSP match rifle and a SSP match pistol (all high quality no junk, cry once). No compressors and the associated accoutrements and maintenance, no tanks to buy and refill, no fuss, just rifle, scope and pellets. Bought quality so no need to ‘upgrade’ to the next latest thing.

Mastering the springer is notably improving my skills with the other two, certainly not world class shooting but getting better, still pushing myself to improve. More stuff, different stuff is not a substitute for developing one’s skills, another lesson learned in other pursuits.

Sorry I am not doing my part to fit in, be one of the cool kids. Sorry, industry for not buying more and more stuff, not just pellets. Sorry I won’t be asking how to turn my .177 springer into a .50 cal. elephant gun as entertaining as that nonetheless might be. Obviously I’ll have no You-Tube videos forthcoming, watching skills develop is like watching paint dry. Thinking I should turn in my airgun man card and accept my public shaming for not keeping up.

You started off by saying you were an airgunning failure.... We don't allow that kind of talk here 🤣 BTW... Can I interest you in this lovely rabbit hole over here????? 😎

I fully support your discipline!! I only shoot PCP's so I'm already well down that rabbit hole. I bought a cheap Gamo springer over 10yrs ago and I got what I paid for. Still have it but it never sees the light of day.
Congrats on your self discipline!

The airgun industry won't get rich off of you OR me - I mostly by used and tinker with Crosman and Benjamin hpa offerings, lego-ing new creations for entertainment.

The newbys that by high dollar airgun offerings and 30mm scopes from forum sponsors are. Good for them, you, and me.
Im my opinion you should be proud of the lessons you have learned and be glad that you learned them to be happy and enjoy what you have! Congrats! There is a whole world of people who haven’t learned the lessons you apparently learned! Now go shoot your springer and show ud some targets so we can see what kind of shot you are and participate in this forum. Lol
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Im my opinion you should be proud of the lessons you have learned and be glad that you learned them to be happy and enjoy what you have! Congrats! There is a whole world of people who haven’t learned the lessons you apparently learned! Now go shoot your springer and show ud some targets so we can see what kind of shot you are and participate in this forum. Lol
At 71 I hoped I’ve learned a little. I am sorely tempted by what I see on the dark side. Disciplined only by my experiences in pursuing other interests.

Airgunning is a new interest because my life situation now precludes engaging in many other activities and keeps me close to the house (caretaking disabled spouse). With airgunning I can just step outside to do a little shooting and still be on call.

I have a sheltered spot for 10-meter. In another more open area I can get 25-50 yards. The springer covers the longer ranges, the match rifle the 10-meter. Pistol is 5-meters indoors when weather warrants. First rule for self is not to duplicate the experiences/capabilities of what I have. Second is to not buy what I won’t/can’t realistically use. Temptations are strong nonetheless.

Really like what is available across the board both in pcp and in traditional. Many could be fun, but also frustrating to have if not using often enough. I just punch paper and hit spinners. Goal is to make smallest multiple-shot hole possible in paper and spin/knock down smallest targets. I enjoy the challenges of mastering what I have. All are capable of great, consistent accuracy. I am still the weak link.

Very much cherry picking here. Not representative of my current consistency. All off bench, rested fore, butt held to shoulder. Scoped, my eyesight sucks.

Best 25 yd 5-shot group

Best 25 yd 10-shot group. Always manage to pull a few, SADD (senior attention deficit disorder).

Best 10-meter 5 shot groups.
Was unaware of your age, im in the same boat and love my shooting entertainment. If you do decide to dip your toe down the rabbit hole (hell you deserve a bit of fun) might I suggest you see if anyone near you has a field target meet. I so look foward to going once a month to enjoy the match and camaraderie with the group that at this point i think id be lost without it. Just a great time.
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I'm surprised moderators didn't delete that comment lol, that would be like putting down FX products on here lol
While it's not uncommon for moderators to remove or moderate comments that violate the platform's guidelines or community rules, it's also possible that certain comments may be allowed to stay if they do not cross any boundaries or violate any specific rules.

Regarding your mention of "putting down FX products," it's important to note that opinions and discussions
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