I’m an airgunning failure.

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Regarding your mention of "putting down FX products," it's important to note that opinions and discussions
I have been warned numerous times about fx bashing and some comments were deleted, sometimes in this forums opinions don’t mean anything, pretty simple, you bash a sponsored product on here your “opinion” will most likely get shut down 😀😀😊 and you will get a nasty gram email from a moderator
I’ve been in the airgun game since covid hoax jacked powder burner ammo to stupid levels.
When I switched yo airguns about two years ago I quickly amassed a list of high quality airguns, primarily PCP’s. IIRC I bought 13 different ones, tried them, they worked as advertised, but didn’t click the right box as far as sex appeal to me.
I believe I have finally settled on a stable arsenal. FX Crown .22 & .25 x 50mm bbl’s both laminated stocks, RAW HM1000x .22 chassis, Air Arms HFT500 .177 12FPE and a TX200 .22 springer. Couple CO2 10-15 yard plinkers and an awesome FWB Piccolo .177 10 meter. They all do everything I enjoy in the woods or at the range.
I think I’m good for the long hall but FX certainly tempts me with their continuous innovation. Bastards. 😂
I’ve been in the airgun game since covid hoax jacked powder burner ammo to stupid levels.
When I switched yo airguns about two years ago I quickly amassed a list of high quality airguns, primarily PCP’s. IIRC I bought 13 different ones, tried them, they worked as advertised, but didn’t click the right box as far as sex appeal to me.
I believe I have finally settled on a stable arsenal. FX Crown .22 & .25 x 50mm bbl’s both laminated stocks, RAW HM1000x .22 chassis, Air Arms HFT500 .177 12FPE and a TX200 .22 springer. Couple CO2 10-15 yard plinkers and an awesome FWB Piccolo .177 10 meter. They all do everything I enjoy in the woods or at the range.
I think I’m good for the long hall but FX certainly tempts me with their continuous innovation. Bastards. 😂
I got in because of a darn dog, the thing couldn't handle my Savage A17, a hundred yards away on ground squirrels, so I had the brilliant idea of getting an air gun, it was all down hill from there, got a break barrel that was garbage, then a Sapsan with reg issues, then a FX Maverick VP .25, 1.5 years later figured out the magic combination to get those pesky rodents out to 125 yards, got another FX, pre-pre 'loved' that someone had f'd up royally, turned it into a tack driving .22 compact and learned a bunch along the way. One of the things is that the Mavericks aren't that hard to work on and FX support is beyond excellent. Not really a fan boy but once you understand what some of the issues are and how to fix them they are fine.
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I’ve been in the airgun game since covid hoax jacked powder burner ammo to stupid levels.
When I switched yo airguns about two years ago I quickly amassed a list of high quality airguns, primarily PCP’s. IIRC I bought 13 different ones, tried them, they worked as advertised, but didn’t click the right box as far as sex appeal to me.
I believe I have finally settled on a stable arsenal. FX Crown .22 & .25 x 50mm bbl’s both laminated stocks, RAW HM1000x .22 chassis, Air Arms HFT500 .177 12FPE and a TX200 .22 springer. Couple CO2 10-15 yard plinkers and an awesome FWB Piccolo .177 10 meter. They all do everything I enjoy in the woods or at the range.
I think I’m good for the long hall but FX certainly tempts me with their continuous innovation. Bastards. 😂
That’s why I love this country, our freedom to choose whatever we want to buy, like etc… I hate fx that’s my freedom, you love fx that’s your freedom to do so 😊👍 me personally I will never own one again.. the raw hm1000x is a good choice on your list, have nothing negative to say on them, wish I would have kept mine.. 😊
At 71 I hoped I’ve learned a little. I am sorely tempted by what I see on the dark side. Disciplined only by my experiences in pursuing other interests.

Airgunning is a new interest because my life situation now precludes engaging in many other activities and keeps me close to the house (caretaking disabled spouse). With airgunning I can just step outside to do a little shooting and still be on call.

I have a sheltered spot for 10-meter. In another more open area I can get 25-50 yards. The springer covers the longer ranges, the match rifle the 10-meter. Pistol is 5-meters indoors when weather warrants. First rule for self is not to duplicate the experiences/capabilities of what I have. Second is to not buy what I won’t/can’t realistically use. Temptations are strong nonetheless.

Really like what is available across the board both in pcp and in traditional. Many could be fun, but also frustrating to have if not using often enough. I just punch paper and hit spinners. Goal is to make smallest multiple-shot hole possible in paper and spin/knock down smallest targets. I enjoy the challenges of mastering what I have. All are capable of great, consistent accuracy. I am still the weak link.

Very much cherry picking here. Not representative of my current consistency. All off bench, rested fore, butt held to shoulder. Scoped, my eyesight sucks.

Best 25 yd 5-shot group
View attachment 369797

Best 25 yd 10-shot group. Always manage to pull a few, SADD (senior attention deficit disorder).
View attachment 369796

Best 10-meter 5 shot groups.
View attachment 369798
Please tell me that is shot from a bench?
Great article BTW. 👍
Please tell me that is shot from a bench?
Great article BTW. 👍
Bench. Rifles rested fore, butt supported at shoulder with off hand.

At 25 yards with springer still too often shooting erratic ‘groups’, good days within a dime, still in the black when not. Often really tight clusters that show rifle’s potential but accompanied by fliers of my own making. I can feel when they’re wrong. Short attention span, get aligned on target and my mind decides to go somewhere else. As said targets shown were cherry picked. Still need to develop consistency then tighten up from there, then vary ranges.

10 meter groups with match rifle, shot yesterday, are my first single-pellet size groups. Those three out of the 12 groups shot. Owe those to shooting the springer. The focus on technique and mental control the springer requires pays dividends.
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@Richely those look pretty good to me. There is something about springers and fliers. It may be more to do with pellets or velocity fluctuations in the rifle. My TX200 will have a SD of 3 to 4 fps but in 30 shot will have 1 that is 10 fps off from that for an unknown reason. Pellet? Gun?

If I am serious I am sorting pellets to 10th of a grain. AA 10.3s with a 4.52 head typically run 5% 10.2 grains; 25% 10.3 grains; 65% 10.5 grains with th the rest 10.5 grains or higher. Doing so culls a lot of fliers. Then lubrication of those culls a few more fliers.

I expect 1 or 2 fliers per 20 otherwise. Today for example (it was me here) the sorted but unlubricated had 2 fliers out of 45. The top bull here.

I sometimes feel I am letting the airgun community down, certainly the airgun industry.

I have been ogling a few quality PCP rifles – Daystate, BRK, Air Arms & FX. I also recently sold an unrelated item and have a bit of cash to spend. But I just can’t make myself pull the trigger.

I have indulged in other interests and gone down many a rabbit hole, acquiring lots of the associated goodies along the way. Much ends up as just more stuff little used. Recently revived interest in shooting and am doing so with airguns. Trying really, really hard to not go down another rabbit hole. Did so a little early on but have sold a couple of extraneous pieces. Lesson learned from before: more stuff doesn’t always mean more enjoyment.

I find that I do well to shoot what I have often enough to master those. Plus what I have are so simple to use, a springer and a SSP match rifle and a SSP match pistol (all high quality no junk, cry once). No compressors and the associated accoutrements and maintenance, no tanks to buy and refill, no fuss, just rifle, scope and pellets. Bought quality so no need to ‘upgrade’ to the next latest thing.

Mastering the springer is notably improving my skills with the other two, certainly not world class shooting but getting better, still pushing myself to improve. More stuff, different stuff is not a substitute for developing one’s skills, another lesson learned in other pursuits.

Sorry I am not doing my part to fit in, be one of the cool kids. Sorry, industry for not buying more and more stuff, not just pellets. Sorry I won’t be asking how to turn my .177 springer into a .50 cal. elephant gun as entertaining as that nonetheless might be. Obviously I’ll have no You-Tube videos forthcoming, watching skills develop is like watching paint dry. Thinking I should turn in my airgun man card and accept my public shaming for not keeping up.


Wait ! it is not April Fools Day is it ? All kidding aside , nice to hear someone is doing what some of os said we would do
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@Richely those look pretty good to me. There is something about springers and fliers. It may be more to do with pellets or velocity fluctuations in the rifle. My TX200 will have a SD of 3 to 4 fps but in 30 shot will have 1 that is 10 fps off from that for an unknown reason. Pellet? Gun?

If I am serious I am sorting pellets to 10th of a grain. AA 10.3s with a 4.52 head typically run 5% 10.2 grains; 25% 10.3 grains; 65% 10.5 grains with th the rest 10.5 grains or higher. Doing so culls a lot of fliers. Then lubrication of those culls a few more fliers.

I expect 1 or 2 fliers per 20 otherwise. Today for example (it was me here) the sorted but unlubricated had 2 fliers out of 45. The top bull here.

View attachment 369939
Thank you for advice, shooting a Pro Sport so similar. Should chronograph again, been a while and then not with current pellets. Shooting AA 10.3g as well. Sorted a couple of tins when started with them. One tin consistent size throughout. Another had 20 at 4.50 (would fall back out of breach) and 3 or 4 that gauged 4.55! Generally can feel size differences when loading into breach. Weighted one tin with most all 10.4g +/- .5g, a few at 10.3g and a couple at 10.5g. Not so consistent myself to sweat sorting all pellets yet.

I do get occasional WTH fliers but mostly it’s still me. Attention span, inconsistency in my steadiness day to day. Good days, good results when I am focused and hold unusually steady on target. Mostly my attention wanders, nothing new there. Repetitive tasks have always been challenging. Age isn’t helping steadiness. Thankfully scopes still suffice for vision issues. Shooting because of the challenge of it, no fun it it came too easily.
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Thank you for advice, shooting a Pro Sport so similar. Should chronograph again, been a while and then not with current pellets. Shooting AA 10.3g as well. Sorted a couple of tins when started with them. One tin consistent size throughout. Another had 20 at 4.50 (would fall back out of breach) and 3 or 4 that gauged 4.55! Generally can feel size differences when loading into breach. Weighted one tin with most all 10.4g +/- .5g, a few at 10.3g and a couple at 10.5g. Not so consistent myself to sweat sorting all pellets yet.

I do get occasional WTH fliers but mostly it’s still me. Attention span, inconsistency in my steadiness day to day. Good days, good results when I am focused and hold unusually steady on target. Mostly my attention wanders, nothing new there. Repetitive tasks have always been challenging. Age isn’t helping steadiness. Thankfully scopes still suffice for vision issues. Shooting because of the challenge of it, no fun it it came too easily.
Being a caregiver does your attention span no favors. I too am caregiver to my wife and find it hard to focus on her and shoot well at the same time.
To you, sirs,
Richely, and
I want to express my appreciation for what you do.
Your faithful service to your wives inspires me. 😊

Thank you for doing what you do. It's those acts of faithfulness and kindness that make this world a better place. ⭐

To you, sirs,
Richely, and
I want to express my appreciation for what you do.
Your faithful service to your wives inspires me. 😊

Thank you for doing what you do. It's those acts of faithfulness and kindness that make this world a better place. ⭐


Thank you for your kind words, though not deserved by me.

I am no saint. I will not be inducted into the Husband Hall of Fame. I very much resent and constantly pull against the ever shortening tether of her increasing disabilities to which I am attached. I too often am not a pleasant person to be around as a result.

Life is and one does. Sometimes as best I can and all often no where near my best. See no inspiration in that.

Thank you for your kind words, though not deserved by me.

I am no saint. I will not be inducted into the Husband Hall of Fame. I very much resent and constantly pull against the ever shortening tether of her increasing disabilities to which I am attached. I too often am not a pleasant person to be around as a result.

Life is and one does. Sometimes as best I can and all often no where near my best. See no inspiration in that.
That’s called being human. At least you try to do the right thing.
you bash a sponsored product on here
Well i had a uphill struggle getting my Maverick to play ball, at least if we talk shooting most pellets at speeds other successful shoot them at in a similar FX rifle.
I had to go all the way to a new,,,, and longer barrel, but then things also started to work for me.

So i have a genuine right to not be a fanboy at least

That being said for now having 2 FX rifles out of 3 in total, i also have my old Cutlass which i have always been very happy with.

Well then i am done with FX for a while, and are looking to try other things.

I am expecting more from all brands. for one thing i would like to see a rifle where you can up REG pressure, and get faster shots instead of slower ones as the hammer have a harder time kicking valve open.
So a valve that you can put between 80 and 200 BAR behind the the hammer will still open for just as long no matter the pressure

ATM my Maverick shoot 13 grain slugs around 1010 FPS with a reg pressure of 80 BAR. ( hammer setting #4 )

When i got it the reg pressure was 90 BAR and on hammer 7 it shot 13 grain MRD pellets at 570 FPS, mind you this was with a 100 mm shorter 600 mm barrel.

I have a feeling my .177 Maverick is a FAC rifle but made from the factory to be sub 12 with what i was seeing out of the box.
And for sure the original 600 mm barrel, i wouldn't even give it to my worst enemy.

Aside for the longer barrel i have a heavier hammer weight and a little stronger hammer spring, o and then i have replaced the REG gauge with a WIKA one
I sometimes feel I am letting the airgun community down, certainly the airgun industry.

I have been ogling a few quality PCP rifles – Daystate, BRK, Air Arms & FX. I also recently sold an unrelated item and have a bit of cash to spend. But I just can’t make myself pull the trigger.

I have indulged in other interests and gone down many a rabbit hole, acquiring lots of the associated goodies along the way. Much ends up as just more stuff little used. Recently revived interest in shooting and am doing so with airguns. Trying really, really hard to not go down another rabbit hole. Did so a little early on but have sold a couple of extraneous pieces. Lesson learned from before: more stuff doesn’t always mean more enjoyment.

I find that I do well to shoot what I have often enough to master those. Plus what I have are so simple to use, a springer and a SSP match rifle and a SSP match pistol (all high quality no junk, cry once). No compressors and the associated accoutrements and maintenance, no tanks to buy and refill, no fuss, just rifle, scope and pellets. Bought quality so no need to ‘upgrade’ to the next latest thing.

Mastering the springer is notably improving my skills with the other two, certainly not world class shooting but getting better, still pushing myself to improve. More stuff, different stuff is not a substitute for developing one’s skills, another lesson learned in other pursuits.

Sorry I am not doing my part to fit in, be one of the cool kids. Sorry, industry for not buying more and more stuff, not just pellets. Sorry I won’t be asking how to turn my .177 springer into a .50 cal. elephant gun as entertaining as that nonetheless might be. Obviously I’ll have no You-Tube videos forthcoming, watching skills develop is like watching paint dry. Thinking I should turn in my airgun man card and accept my public shaming for not keeping up.

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Thank you for your kind words, though not deserved by me.

I am no saint. I will not be inducted into the Husband Hall of Fame. I very much resent and constantly pull against the ever shortening tether of her increasing disabilities to which I am attached. I too often am not a pleasant person to be around as a result.

Life is and one does. Sometimes as best I can and all often no where near my best. See no inspiration in that.
I'm sorry you feel that way sir.
I give thanks to God for allowing my girl to be here with me. The alternative is tucked away in some facility being half way taken care of by strangers.
My tether may be short but I wouldn't have it any other way.
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