HW/Weihrauch I’m blown away

I had given up on the idea of a springer years ago, but I’m so glad I decided to revisit them! This hw97 I just got in last week is amazing, like pcp accurate to 30 yards, and maybe more, I just haven’t done anything further with it yet. Not only is it accurate, but it seems to be accurate with everything I put in it. Today I tried the regular crosman premier hollow points from Walmart. This is a five shot group at 30 yards. After that I proceeded to hit bullseye after bullseye off the sticks with this gun. I was not expecting this at all!

I had given up on the idea of a springer years ago, but I’m so glad I decided to revisit them! This hw97 I just got in last week is amazing, like pcp accurate to 30 yards, and maybe more, I just haven’t done anything further with it yet. Not only is it accurate, but it seems to be accurate with everything I put in it. Today I tried the regular crosman premier hollow points from Walmart. This is a five shot group at 30 yards. After that I proceeded to hit bullseye after bullseye off the sticks with this gun. I was not expecting this at all!

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Congratulations. The 97 is a great rifle. For the carry rifle.🤔 I have a HW50 and 95. Both 177 cal. Both carry easy. The 95 has more punch.
Thanks! I’m pumped for sure. Next I want to get an hw that’s a little easier to carry around, but still good for short range hunting. Mostly squirrels, 20-30 yards.
The hw97k is great (love mine), but it gets heavy fast when carrying in the field. IMHO, the hw50s in .177 a better overall package for hunting out to 35-40 yards.
I wouldn't sell that 97 for nothing. My old Tx MK II wouldn't do that or any of my HW's I have now.
It has exceeded my expectations by a lot, Especially with me shooting it. I wasn’t sure I could do it justice, but I must be doing something right. This kind of accuracy makes me want to shoot it