Im embarrassed

In the 23 years I have lived in my home and shot squirrels, this is the first time I have been able to get close to one. My guess is one of the neighbors has been hand feeding this one and she is no longer afraid of people. Normally she'd be dispatched, knowing that she will soon be eating pecans out of my tree. I shot her once, she gets a pass until she gets out of line!
You used to only be able to be hung once, does the same apply to being shot?

Nothing to be embarrassed about as far as the emotional connection. I use to put my baby in the floor just to take the shot. But I haven’t seen any squirrels for a month and they just started appearing again but my bloodlust has tamed for some reason. (Ok maybe not having time to zero my new scope could be the reason)

Anyhow, I figure if anything an injured animal is suffering. I’d put that one out her misery
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I had a squirrel hanging around that didn't have a tail. It was much harder to see and quite quick to run off. I finally got her and when cleaning her I found a pellet (red fire or polymag unexpanded) just under the skin in her rear end. That wound was fully healed. Somebody had shot her in the wrong place with a gun without enough power. I still wonder if the pellet might have gone through her tail first and cause it get diseased and fall off. She tasted fine.

I try to just watch the squirrels until it is squirrel season. My dog doesn't understand seasons, however, and alerts when she sees them in the oak trees in the back yard. Doesn't happen every day but sometimes it's multiple times in the day. They are fun to watch, especially when it is more than one and they are chasing each other - is that part of their mating ritual?
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Don't be embarrassed, I shoot starlings n house sparrows every chance I get. . I nursed a fallen starling for 2wks n released him, when I was 10, I'm 55 now. . My daughter found a fallen sparrow, we tried to nurse him, but he was to weak, we buried him by the tomato plants. She was crushed, because he was looking good for a couple days, eating bugs she caught. But he took a turn for the worse. Even though we hunt n do pest control, we still respect nature. .
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Killing anything is serious business, something that shouldn't be done mindlessly or with no ethics involved. WHY be embarrassed for displaying compassion towards another living creature? It's a quality that's part of being human (for MOST of us) & there for a reason. No shame in admitting it!

That is just a great post.
