Well, I bought a Kalibr Arug .30, and I returned it in a week. Not because of the caliber choice, but because of the limitations of the gun from a tuneability standpoint.
Then I bought a Maverick VP .30cal, and I'm in love! Excellent platform for tuning it in every way imaginable, with the dual externally adjustable regulators. It's also very easy to tune in a predictable manner on the fly with the adjustable power wheel from 1 to 7.
For instance, I was shooting avian targets with the JSB Hades on Power Wheel on 1 (getting 760fps and 57fpe), and with the flick of the wrist, I was on Power Wheel 7 shooting FX Hybrid Slugs at 930fps with 85fpe and drilling groundhogs at 100 yards away!
Then I bought a Maverick VP .30cal, and I'm in love! Excellent platform for tuning it in every way imaginable, with the dual externally adjustable regulators. It's also very easy to tune in a predictable manner on the fly with the adjustable power wheel from 1 to 7.
For instance, I was shooting avian targets with the JSB Hades on Power Wheel on 1 (getting 760fps and 57fpe), and with the flick of the wrist, I was on Power Wheel 7 shooting FX Hybrid Slugs at 930fps with 85fpe and drilling groundhogs at 100 yards away!
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