Imagine getting your wife/gf into airgunning?


Jan 22, 2024
So, my "ole lady" is a PB girl. Has been all her life. At 18 she bought her first gun which is a pre-1967 Dan Wesson .44 Magnum in stainless steel. After all these years she still has it. I own 4 handguns and an AR. I believe she owns about 30 all together. Never had an interest in airguns till one day recently she found a nice variety of free printable targets online. She thought they were cool and suggested I shoot some of those. I agreed and she stated that she would be interested in shooting them as well. Shortly into my first session of shooting these targets she asked to jump in.😯 I can't describe how happy I was! We buy cool targets to take to the range and compete against each other whenever we go. Now we can do the same thing at home for a lot less $$.
As of late, she keeps up with pellet inventory and pushes me to keep steady deliveries coming so we don't run out.
Is this a dream come true or have I inadvertently created a monster?🤣
She is now browsing AoA casually ( every couple days) to find something she might like. I guess I'm "in for it" soon.
Well now I don't have to shoot alone anymore. Maybe I need to buy a lottery ticket soon since I've been graced with this gift!
So, my "ole lady" is a PB girl. Has been all her life. At 18 she bought her first gun which is a pre-1967 Dan Wesson .44 Magnum in stainless steel. After all these years she still has it. I own 4 handguns and an AR. I believe she owns about 30 all together. Never had an interest in airguns till one day recently she found a nice variety of free printable targets online. She thought they were cool and suggested I shoot some of those. I agreed and she stated that she would be interested in shooting them as well. Shortly into my first session of shooting these targets she asked to jump in.😯 I can't describe how happy I was! We buy cool targets to take to the range and compete against each other whenever we go. Now we can do the same thing at home for a lot less $$.
As of late, she keeps up with pellet inventory and pushes me to keep steady deliveries coming so we don't run out.
Is this a dream come true or have I inadvertently created a monster?🤣
She is now browsing AoA casually ( every couple days) to find something she might like. I guess I'm "in for it" soon.
Well now I don't have to shoot alone anymore. Maybe I need to buy a lottery ticket soon since I've been graced with this gift!
Hey brother dont ask questions just keep it going lol
40 years ago she told me she doesn’t like guns. I bought her an air rifle and she loved it.
She was a fixer upper!
Now a proper conservative gal and advocates traditional family values and we accept nothing less.
She shocked me when she went to the local Beeman dealer and bought a new HW55 for me for Christmas.
That’s the marrying type, boys. 35 years so far!
Financial question, does she have her own money that isn't being relied on for dumb stuff ect. Do you have adequate space for her new guns? If the answer is yes and yes, then enjoy. :giggle:
Well, her $$ goes toward essentials. She is not materialistic at all. Never asks for anything other than toys for our chihuahuas or a new gun for Xmas or her birthday. Space for guns? Plenty! She carries two handguns on her everywhere she goes and a few hidden around the house. The rest are all in the safe.
I guess I will enjoy...