immersive 14x50 scope wheel and sunshade

Bought this scope from @Pfddi in the classifieds. I really like the the scope! The focusing is snappy, Seems to accurately ID 1 yard increments in near and far HFT yardages

The eye relief is crazy close to the lens. Fortunately, the FOV is huge because my safety glasses wont let me get close enough to see the edges. I am fine with that.

The side AO is only about 2 inches from your face, Anything bigger than a 3" wheel takes a swipe out of your nose, if you are using your right eye to shoot.

Typical wheel set up has the pointer mounted on or near the back scope mount. This set up has a sunshade and pointer rigged to read the inside of the scopewheel. The slice of wheel is 120 degrees of a 7" wheel. Enough to range from 8 to 70 yards. The sunshade has a button to mount the cap on when not in use (keeping consistant with the original scope design). The cap fits inside the shade instead of around.

As of yesterday, @Motorhead has my new to me Theoben MFR, In the shop for goodies, SSG and whatnot...Soon as I have it back, I'm mounting the 14x50 up, I hope it's good field target season.... I wont have any excuses :oops:

scope wheel 14x50.jpg
cap on.jpg
cap off.jpg
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@SacramentoSam sent me one for my 14x50 IO and I have 10 through 30 measured out. I am joining an new range and orientation is this coming Saturday and after that I will get it out to 55 yards. The shade with the pointer on it is very good and give the 14x50 a bit more clarity - which it already has a lot.

With the little testing I have done so far, it is my intention in using the rig in HFT. So far the markings on mine have been spot on with the card I made and I have been scoring better (in my home range) better than with my other scope. I have it mounted on a Wolverine R shooting 10.34g FX pellets. Will post more results after next weekend when I get it fully ranges out.

@SacramentoSam did a great job on the wheel and the shade! I haven't looked, but I think the Element Immersive is the same wheel so his wheel and shade should work for that scope also.

Here's mine when I started to get the yardage marked off:
I came up with ordering a sidewheel from vicoptics, with in mind that I will have to modify things on the fly.
For my short range handheld games in the backyard I would also need a bubble, but then nomore room for front lens cover... but a snap on 32mm lens cap can do.
When I throw all parts on a pile, it looks pretty crowded. And I still need to add a flashkill...


Why I always need more trouble? Nothing was wrong with the throw lever setup...
