Impact magazine $90

So I ordered a .30cal barrel for my impact, we all know the price of them. Which is kinda high considering the cost of the gun. But to find out it doesn't Come with the magazine and the magazine cost 90 dollars? How is this little piece of plastic and aluminum worth $90? More of a catch 22 if you ask me. So is the magazine also covered under warranty? All in all I'm happy with my impact. But I wouldn't buy a pair of shoes if they didn't come with lace's. And it's not like you can buy just the barrel and use it for anything else other than the impact. Or can you?
Your not alone...I also thought it seemed steep for the fx magazines, but it is what it is unfortunately because there is no aftermarket fx magazines that I know of. I do agree that they do seem high quality ,but $90 dollars worth? In my opinion, no they aren't worth the $90. I guess I'm comparing fx to benjamin marauder magazines($24/each .25 cal) where they look and function the same ,but major differance is the marauder magazine has a plastic housing vs the fx aluminous housing. I come from a firearm backround where magazines drop on the ground all the time and dropping my ar15 on the ground wouldn't hurt the rifle or concern me al all. Now that Ive been using an FX Bobcat, I'm very careful when handling the rifle and I don't throw it around like my ar and mainly because the Bobcat has a high pressure air cylinder and I don't ever want to find out what would happen if I dropped the thing. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my pcp! Its just taking me some time to still adjust to it.

I did drop my fx magazine once on concrete by accident and I couldn't get it to fit back in. It landed right on the corner of the mag where the channel is cut to slide around the breech. Few minutes with a file and I got it to fit again.
Dude, $24 for a Marauder Mag? Unless you live somewhere with nasty shipping/tax that's way to high. I pay around $15 US each max. Granted I'm sure they are not as nice as FX but I can get them at 6:1 cost ratio. I read somewhere about Daystate mag prices. The guns are a high end item and most that will pay $2K+ for the gun will pay crazy high prices of the mags. It costs to roll on the high end. I'm a Marauder/Hatsan kinda guy. At some point a Huma regulated Air Arms S510 FAC Walnut is on the bucket list.

I would go along with you there. Many users feel that Fx airguns are a little bit over priced.But this is a free market where Fx doesn't force anyone to buy his guns. 

As the airgun community grows larger, more manufacturers will come in and the sales volume of more products like mrod will be high enough to bring down the average manufacturing overhead.

Minority sports players ususally pay more for their gear. 
"Lou"440$ for such an easy to make barrel is ridiculous, FX is ripping people off. You can buy a match grade Lothar Walther barrel for 120-150$. I was excited about this gun but I am not anymore, I will stay away from it.
Thats a pretty bold statement there Lou. If Smoothtwist barrels were easy to make, don't you think there would be different reiterations of it on the market? Or maybe not because of their patent. Your comparison seems a bit shallow. Sure you could buy a Lothar Walther blank for about $150. Then you'd have to machine it to fit, and finish it (if you had the tools).

The FX barrels come completely finished with the quick change adapter, a new probe, and one of two shroud/LDC systems (which you could try to make yourself, or purchase an aftermarket unit from $150-$300). 

I don't know how much it costs to machine an adapter, a probe, or a large aluminum magazine, but I'm sure it's not cheap. 

That being said, I think it would be nice if there was a barrel/probe/shroud/magazine package deal.
"Lou"440$ for such an easy to make barrel is ridiculous, FX is ripping people off. You can buy a match grade Lothar Walther barrel for 120-150$. I was excited about this gun but I am not anymore, I will stay away from it.
Thats a pretty bold statement there Lou. If Smoothtwist barrels were easy to make, don't you think there would be different reiterations of it on the market? Or maybe not because of their patent. Your comparison seems a bit shallow. Sure you could buy a Lothar Walther blank for about $150. Then you'd have to machine it to fit, and finish it (if you had the tools).

The FX barrels come completely finished with the quick change adapter, a new probe, and one of two shroud/LDC systems (which you could try to make yourself, or purchase an aftermarket unit from $150-$300). 

I don't know how much it costs to machine an adapter, a probe, or a large aluminum magazine, but I'm sure it's not cheap. 

That being said, I think it would be nice if there was a barrel/probe/shroud/magazine package deal.
The process of making the smooth twist is much easier than any other barrel as far as I have seen in this video: 

That is how easy it is to cut the rifling, literally a few seconds as for the machining it is pretty easy 5 minutes at the closest shop. The shroud from all that I heard it is a hollow aluminium tube, I don't think it can be compared to Hugget shrouds, looks like they would come in at the same price and probably everyone would have liked to just have the standard shroud system so they can switch from barrel to barrel and not have to pay so much for shrouds for each caliber, but I knew that there would be a catch somewhere ever since they announced the gun, since they are putting a multi caliber platform they have to make money somewhere as most people will only buy one gun compared to other models were a lot of users bought 2-3 of the same gun in different calibers. I think a lot of people agree that the price for the barrels and the magazines is too high. Maybe I am too harsh in my comments but I like to speak my mind out and seeing that quite a few people already had quality control problems for such expensive guns and now this barrel and magazine price, as an FX fan, I don't like this and hopefully FX will change a few things in the future. 
FX may eventually offer a fixed shroud with optional baffles/extensions, whether or not it will be interchangeable with different barrels is unknown. Speaking from experience, and not taking anything away from Huggett (because they are awesome) the telescoping shroud makes the whole package much easier to carry, store, and transport (plus it’s pretty darn effective). 

It sounds like you’re downplaying everything that goes into mass producing a product? I don't think anything about being an innovative industry leader is easy, fast, or cheap. Considering all of the features, I am surprised at the relatively low price point of the Impact. 

Regarding the magazine, I have no idea how much the machine or materials cost to make an aluminum magazine. I can only compare it to some of the magazines I’ve bought in the past. Most recently a .25 caliber magazine from RAW that is plastic, which was $72.

Sure, everyone wants more for less… but at what cost? 

BTW - thats a pretty neat video
The price increased with the position they have at the moment, like everything else you pay an extra fee just for the name. I remember the same with Sony charging more for the name until Samsung ran them over. PCP Airguns are very expensive now a days, I mean you can buy a top of the line match .22 lr , custom long range centerfire or top AR15 for that price so I don't agree with you on the price point as I don't agree with the PCP market at the moment. A lot of people were surprised with the cost of the barrels, actually I just watched Alvaro Lopeze's video and he was surprised with the price as well. You could actually go to AOA and buy ''4'' top notch Weihrauch spring powered airguns made in Germany with walnut stocks for the price of the basic FX Impact, for me that is not OK, but I guess this is the way things are right now.