Impact probe screw failure & solution

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It seems to me that since a set screw is set in tension but not designed for shear forces a safety mod would be to use something designed for shear forces. I do not have an impact and am unfamiliar with the probe itself, however if the probe is solid and not hollow then a roll pin would be the answer. A roll pill can handle the shearing forces. The probe would need to be drilled through and a pair of set screws could be placed and lock tighted on both ends flush, similar to the video above but all the way through if probe strength is not compromised. That being said and rather than experiment with probe integrity let FX come up with a fix or replacement.
The other machining option would be to notch the rear of the probe and insert a hardened cap screw to interlock with that cutout notch of the notched probe. Again similar to the rear screw that was placed in the assembly from the above video. The second option would be the cleanest option for a possible fix, again this should be something that FX would need to address but could be a viable fix for us in the field if you have some machining experience. There is always a warranty issue on any modification so let the buyer beware.
"Bobweiser"Pestassasin, you are correct. It's just like yours!! I was hoping they had known about this and made the upgrade.
AoA is sending out the updated set screw to ALL who have ordered this rifle from them. For reassurance that you're on that list, just call them on Monday morning to get confirmation. If you didn't order this rifle from AoA, call whoever you ordered it from and talk to them about it.
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I'm tired of the same people chomping at the bit against the manufacturers & dealers they have an agenda with. 

The fix has been defined. If you don't like, don't buy one. But unless you have personal experience with an Impact & the new probe screw, your outspoken comments are not welcome. If you have an Impact & the new screw then you may share your experience in a new topic.
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