Impact X .22 slug liner, do you have one?

Got my X Slug liner yesterday and I was watching a video on how to swap the pellet liner for the slug liner. So in the video it says that the standard liner has one line at the end that faces the breech and the slug liner should have 2 lines. Both my liners only have one line at the end. Can anyone please confirm one way or the other? Haven’t shot it yet. Just want to make sure I didn’t get screwed cause they both look exactly the same. 

Thanks in advance. 
This is one group of 6 with the 23gr .218 slugs with slug liner and (4) five shot groups with JSB18gr with the pellet liner. One inch squares at 20 yards

Made a phone call to FX USA this morning and according to the Pellet Liner B is the one with 2 lines. Ernest Rowe said to keep trying different weights and diameters to find the one with the best grouping. The pellets are going to group better at closer range but past 75 yards is where the slug is going to beat the pellets. That’s the info I received. 
Made a phone call to FX USA this morning and according to the Pellet Liner B is the one with 2 lines. Ernest Rowe said to keep trying different weights and diameters to find the one with the best grouping. The pellets are going to group better at closer range but past 75 yards is where the slug is going to beat the pellets. That’s the info I received.

Pellet liner B has 2 lines? all the ones I have seen (including mine) only have 1 line! what is going on then?
Both my slug liner A and the pellet liner (that came with this new .22 barrel kit) have one ring. 

The .217 23gr NSA slugs were shooting "faster" out of my slug liner than the .218's. I haven't been able to get out to test accuracy since I installed it - I was a few miles from the outdoor range (2.5hrs away), and hit 3' of snow on the trail! Huge bummer :/