• *The discussion of the creation, fabrication, or modification of airgun moderators is prohibited. The discussion of any "adapters" used to convert an airgun moderator to a firearm silencer will result in immediate termination of the account.*

Impulse air moderators, how are you liking them?

So I had a chance to shoot my M3 700mm .22 with a IA1200 suppressor today. Only had enough time to sight in and a few shots for general accuracy. Rifle is shooting NSA .218 31.2 grain slugs at 960 FPS zeroed to 40 yds. The only sound I could hear was the hammer striking the valve and the slug striking the paper/carboard target. Asked my wife what she could hear and she said the same with the caveat that she did not have her hearing aids in (she hears just fine without them as I have learned many times). While sighting in I heard a vehicle pulling into the parking area and when I was changing mags a gentleman walked up and asked if I was shooting a PCP. Told him yes and he said, thought so, could only hear a metallic ping and then something hitting the target, couldn't figure it out at first. He and his wife were waiting to shoot at the same spot so I didn't take much time for accuracy but shot two groups. First was 9 shots that measured .573 and second was three that measured .210. Not terrible but not great either, I am positive it was all shooter error as I am new to precision shooting and did not have any experience with this gun.

My wife and I had gone out to shoot a couple new 9mms that we purchased while on a trip last weekend and while leaving her comment was, Kind of nice that all six people shooting her today were couples enjoying the day. Couldn't agree more.
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If none of the youtubers are using it then that says alot! Overpriced junk
this is an ignorant statement. YTers get what they are given and say nice things about 95% of it. Some of the quietest mods are nowhere on YT

I heard the Impulse is a good mod, I personally do not like that tampered look on the front piece, I like the more round "can" look
this is an ignorant statement. YTers get what they are given and say nice things about 95% of it. Some of the quietest mods are nowhere on YT

I heard the Impulse is a good mod, I personally do not like that tampered look on the front piece, I like the more round "can" look
The tapered portion is actually the back of the moderator so it blends into the barrel shroud.
The tapered portion is actually the back of the moderator so it blends into the barrel shroud.

The slightly larger taper on the 1350 matches the impact shroud the best.

I have an Impulse Air 1350 with two additional baffles.

Here's my pretty much worthless, non-scientific analysis of some test shots I did in my buddy's back yard:

Panthera 700 .22 @920fps.

Never shot a PCP before this gun, only owned RWS 48/52 springers - no mod - wow it's loud, this ain't backyard friendly.

With the IA-1350 screwed on, its like... a nerf gun? Paintball marker? Haven't shot my springers in forever but i remember my RWS 52 shooting Crow Mags being louder than this.

My buddy and his dad were present for this. These guys know airguns and own everything from old Crosmans to S410's to Quckenbush big bores and they both commented it was shockingly quiet.

So, uh, hope that helps.

Edit: forgot to mention, they sell a non-tapered end cap now that matches the Panthera barrel OD.
Have been playing with one of the 1200's and am impressed with it. Also have one of the 1350's coming as well.

When I put in on the 25 Theoben, the AAA Padagim 22 and the multiple Fx rifles as my local shop, they are all extremely quiet. When trying against a Sumo, Shogun, Ronin, Fatboy, Huggett, BAT Mods....... they are extremely quiet and very well made. That and they look great as well.

I would say give them a try especially when you are unable to find many of the Donnys right now as well.
Okay here are the results with the wife-o-meter. She sat facing away about 12 feet, I shot away from anything that should reflect sound and she ranked them best to worst

Leshiy2 350mm 22cal
1)Huma mod 40 5total sections
2) impulse 1350 stock
3) Huma mod 40 3sections
4)Donny tanto
5) Donny tatsu
6) AGT that came on original Uragan compact

Urgan compact 22
1) Huma mod 40 5sections
2) Huma mod 40 3sections
3)tanto/ tatsu tie
6) old agt

Not scientific but it shows that certain guns and setups can completely change the results. I think the impulse works better in higher flow situations or maybe a couple extra sections would make it shine. I really like how it strips air away from the projectile.
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I'm new to PCP's and when i shot mine without one it was loud as hell imo. No comparison to springers that im accustomed to.
It took a .50cal for me to say WOW. I guess it's all subjective though. Testing out caps that I make for black powder guns will have a nastier higher frequency range of eardrum damaging noise than any of my airguns.
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It's probably just me and my opinion here is meaningless so it is good you get it free. ;)

I think the moderators which allow you to add and remove sections are a good idea if they don't sacrifice too much internal volume to accommodate that design principle. I suspect that is going to be unlikely but that's based purely on speculation.

I like having the moderator on the rifle all the time. I don't want to be switching them up or moving them from rifle to rifle. I'd rather have three purpose built for each of three different rifles than one which I can adapt to each of three rifles.

That's just me and everyone's needs vary. I've got so many laying around here right now that I have three or four for each of three rifles ;) Even with all those choices I find there is always one which just works best on each specific rifle.
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It took a .50cal for me to say WOW. I guess it's all subjective though. Testing out caps that I make for black powder guns will have a nastier higher frequency range of eardrum damaging noise than any of my airguns.
Well, i also live in New Jersey so anything louder than a mouse fart and you're risking a SWAT response so i guess my tuning is a little different than a normal person's.