I often browse Youtube in private mode... it gives me an idea of how much Google is spying on me with the recommendations. (also, it's fun to see what the algorithm does on a fresh account. Click on the first video you find with a cute woman in the thumbnail... do it three or for times and see what happens to your recommendations.
Anyway: Recently it recommended a video with a PCP rifle I couldn't identify... I clicked through. Saw some more... more clicks. Now my feed is full of weird, intriguing PCP which seem to be manufactured in Indonesia. I did a bit of searching to see if I could find the manufacturers or an exporter, but I didn't get very far. So I'm only semi-surprised that I haven't seen much mention of them before.
Click on those and you find many more. Anyone have more information? My Javanese is a little rusty.
Anyway: Recently it recommended a video with a PCP rifle I couldn't identify... I clicked through. Saw some more... more clicks. Now my feed is full of weird, intriguing PCP which seem to be manufactured in Indonesia. I did a bit of searching to see if I could find the manufacturers or an exporter, but I didn't get very far. So I'm only semi-surprised that I haven't seen much mention of them before.
RABATA SUPER MINI (semi-auto pistol):
Click on those and you find many more. Anyone have more information? My Javanese is a little rusty.