I do not think of outside intervention, i think these are things the industry itself should ditch.
As a Danes living under a HUGE nanny state i am 100 % against increase in government intervention in any form.
I agree some rifles you could probably set and forget, but i would still argue that you should be able to do so on a external regulator, CUZ that at least enable the PPL that do like to play around with knobs.
Sadly i myself have problems laying off my knobs, or that is, it is getting better but i am not more knob addict that i must admit it is only slow progress.
Having owned a rifle with a internal REG it was no aid to my addiction, only a source of immense frustration.
I am personally OK with fill probes, but my hose on the fill kit do terminate in a forster fitting, so a counter part must be on the probe.
It do work tethered and plugged in the front, but it look stupid.
I do feel that if you did not have fill port ( for probe ) out front, you could probably cater to both further back with a threaded hole, which you could screw a foster fitting into, or put a probe deeper into that it would still have a sealing surface for the O-rings either side of the hole for the air.
I only partly relate to the fill probe haters.