industry should move away from

It's not seasonal if you use nitrogen cartridges during the cold month's.

Interesting! 1700 PSI? CO2 self regulates to something in the 800 PSI range. I Realize that only the first shot would be at the 1700 followed by a very steep drop based on the very small volume. I do have to wonder how many CO2 guns would hold up to that. I would love to read the we’re not liable warning on that package.
Interesting! 1700 PSI? CO2 self regulates to something in the 800 PSI range. I Realize that only the first shot would be at the 1700 followed by a very steep drop based on the very small volume. I do have to wonder how many CO2 guns would hold up to that. I would love to read the we’re not liable warning on that package.
The guns would most likely not work since the springs aren't meant for that high of pressure.
The guns would most likely not work since the springs aren't meant for that high of pressure.
I bought a S&W 79 years ago for parts that had the grip frame cracked and spread open from being left in the sun with a fresh cartridge. I am not sure you would need to fire it to damage some guns.
Here's where I got the idea several years ago. It works in several of my gins.
There are 14 states where the temperature is suitable to use co2 year round as well.
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I remembered this thread. Hoping the manufacturers are paying attention to it as well.


I would like to never see the following things on a PCP rifle again.

1: Internal regulators you have to bleed air to get to.
2: tank / tube gauges in the front of the tank not angled so you have to put face in front of barrel to read pressure.
3: front fill port. This is at least old fashioned and if you shoot tethered it also look stupid.
4: ultra short rails under the barrel, usually in the form of 1-2 "of rail right in front of the trigger guard.
5: use of too many O-rings / complicated design and so not easy to service / maintain your rifle, this could potentially be a safety issue for that reason.

Feel free to add things i might have forgotten.

Interesting diatribe, the OP suggests a ban on items based solely on his opinion?

Here's my suggestion:

Don't buy what you don't like.

Why is this entire world infatuated with this selfish design to eliminate what they don't like no matter the majority may love it.

Good golly, 1 step from going political, sorry. 🤬
Interesting diatribe, the OP suggests a ban on items based solely on his opinion?

Here's my suggestion:

Don't buy what you don't like.

Why is this entire world infatuated with this selfish design to eliminate what they don't like no matter the majority may love it.

Good golly, 1 step from going political, sorry. 🤬
From a "Manly" perspective, if they are selling Beer served with an Umbrella in it, I go elsewhere. :ROFLMAO:
Interesting diatribe, the OP suggests a ban on items based solely on his opinion?

Here's my suggestion:

Don't buy what you don't like.

Why is this entire world infatuated with this selfish design to eliminate what they don't like no matter the majority may love it.

Good golly, 1 step from going political, sorry. 🤬
You might be taking it a little too seriously?
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I would like to never see the following things on a PCP rifle again.

1: Internal regulators you have to bleed air to get to.
2: tank / tube gauges in the front of the tank not angled so you have to put face in front of barrel to read pressure.
3: front fill port. This is at least old fashioned and if you shoot tethered it also look stupid.
4: ultra short rails under the barrel, usually in the form of 1-2 "of rail right in front of the trigger guard.
5: use of too many O-rings / complicated design and so not easy to service / maintain your rifle, this could potentially be a safety issue for that reason.

Feel free to add things i might have forgotten.
Based upon your bans, my Taipans wouldn't be made (minus too many orings) so hard pass from me
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Interesting diatribe, the OP suggests a ban on items based solely on his opinion?

Here's my suggestion:

Don't buy what you don't like.

Why is this entire world infatuated with this selfish design to eliminate what they don't like no matter the majority may love it.

Good golly, 1 step from going political, sorry. 🤬

My thoughts exactly. That's becoming the new normal for society's mentality these days: If someone doesn't like something it must be banned. Doesn't seem to matter what the rest of the world thinks. It's all about them and their own little world. I'll leave it at that since my first reply here already got reported for hurting one of their feelings.
You might be taking it a little too seriously?

I sure am! I'm saturated with demands from others to agree with thier world views and it's taken its toll.

I can't tell you all about it since first amendment rights don't apply to private forums. I understand the concept but don't like it.
My thoughts exactly. That's becoming the new normal for society's mentality these days: If someone doesn't like something it must be banned. Doesn't seem to matter what the rest of the world thinks. It's all about them and their own little world. I'll leave it at that since my first reply here already got reported for hurting one of their feelings.
I hate being censored!
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I believe the OPs choice of the word “ban” was simply a mistake and miscommunication on his part. The title of the thread has been edited to reflect that… Whatever the intent of this thread one thing is certainly true… We “all” like airguns…🙏 Let’s not forget what we “share” in common, worldly realities need not intrude here. Most of us tinker and shoot to briefly escape from the everyday pressures of life.
I believe the OPs choice of the word “ban” was simply a mistake and miscommunication on his part. The title of the thread has been edited to reflect that… Whatever the intent of this thread one thing is certainly true… We “all” like airguns…🙏 Let’s not forget what we “share” in common, worldly realities need not intrude here. Most of us tinker and shoot to briefly escape from the everyday pressures of life.
Then that escape is interrupted and ruined by the pressure asking " what's for dinner?!"
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I do not think of outside intervention, i think these are things the industry itself should ditch.
As a Danes living under a HUGE nanny state i am 100 % against increase in government intervention in any form.

I agree some rifles you could probably set and forget, but i would still argue that you should be able to do so on a external regulator, CUZ that at least enable the PPL that do like to play around with knobs.
Sadly i myself have problems laying off my knobs, or that is, it is getting better but i am not more knob addict that i must admit it is only slow progress.
Having owned a rifle with a internal REG it was no aid to my addiction, only a source of immense frustration.

I am personally OK with fill probes, but my hose on the fill kit do terminate in a forster fitting, so a counter part must be on the probe.
It do work tethered and plugged in the front, but it look stupid.
I do feel that if you did not have fill port ( for probe ) out front, you could probably cater to both further back with a threaded hole, which you could screw a foster fitting into, or put a probe deeper into that it would still have a sealing surface for the O-rings either side of the hole for the air.

I only partly relate to the fill probe haters.
That is why they Have Knobs