industry should move away from

I agree that a really short picatinny near the trigger guard is lame and fewer O-rings would be welcome but perhaps inconsistent with the OP's other criteria.

I have no problem with an internal regulator since I don't change them a lot, it is still not a big deal to change, and the only externally adjustable I have requires me to vent the gun before adjusting the reg down. So I have to vent it sometimes to adjust it too. Takes 15 minutes to change an internal reg for me if I have done it recently. A little more if it has been awhile. It's also a good time to check things over and put a little lube where it is needed.

The gauge in front and no gauge for the plenum are slightly annoying but if they help the gun be less expensive or simpler or lighter I am OK with the arrangement. I shoot from my left shoulder so the gauge on the side of my Caiman isn't really convenient either, it is on the "wrong" side for me.

Where do you want your fill port? In front seems perfectly fine to me. A bottle gun should normally have it further back but on a cylinder tube type gun the front is as good a place as any for the fill port. A foster is preferred by me but a well machined fill probe is OK.
As one in favor of fewer regulations (and regulators) I can't agree with any of that.

Considering that the airgun makers now have better access than ever to the wants and needs of their customers, (the reason this forum exists) they will probably see that and take it all into consideration.

I prefer co2 because it's just so much less complicated than PCP. Ned Ludd had it right.


Do you refill and reuse your co2 canisters, or are they the single use and throw away, landfill type?
I don’t like anything that uses “single use” items, that’s something the industry should move away from.
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Do you refill and reuse your co2 canisters, or are they the single use and throw away, landfill type?
I don’t like anything that uses “single use” items, that’s something the industry should move away from.

Cartridges are currently used then they're recycled, but bulk filling from a tank will be happening soon. I just haven't found the right tank yet.


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You may be shocked to learn most folks don't use airguns to hunt medium size game at any range.
You should consider exploring PCP forums on Facebook. With the extensive background checks and the cost of ammunition, PCPs are a more sensible choice in the long run. They are more cost-effective, do not require background checks, and there's no need for a special permit to use a moderator. Additionally, the ammunition is much cheaper. Consider the feasibility of using a PB for coyote hunting at 2am nowadays compared to a pcp which i do, goes undetected. My Weatherby bullets or over 50 bucks for 20 compared to my 357 pcp 23 bucks for 100 and i shoot a lot being i own my gun range.

industry should move away from -----​

CO2 guns?

Just kidding. To me they are useless and I feel the same way about .177 caliber. But banning them, nah. Let the market decide, different strokes for different folks. If you are having fun and finding a purpose, great, just not for me.

I have fond memories of some sort of Crosman CO2 pistol I was given when I was about 10 yo (Hey, remember, we used to be trusted with chemistry sets and Estes rocket kits). It would not hold gas and leaked at the front. I fixed it with the help of a man at the hardware store. I gave it to a friend when we moved far away as a parting gift. Loved that little pistol. It was a .22 caliber also!
That sounds like the feller that looked at my Ninja and asked why I don't ride a Harley. I told him I don't need to haul phat gurls.


Then you don't hunt at 80 yards and farther I take it. Even woodchucks you can't get closer than 30 yards most of the time, ones I have taken have been 70 plus yards. one of the most powerful co2 pellet gun is only 16 fpe.
I do not think of outside intervention, i think these are things the industry itself should ditch.
As a Danes living under a HUGE nanny state i am 100 % against increase in government intervention in any form.

I agree some rifles you could probably set and forget, but i would still argue that you should be able to do so on a external regulator, CUZ that at least enable the PPL that do like to play around with knobs.
Sadly i myself have problems laying off my knobs, or that is, it is getting better but i am not more knob addict that i must admit it is only slow progress.
Having owned a rifle with a internal REG it was no aid to my addiction, only a source of immense frustration.

I am personally OK with fill probes, but my hose on the fill kit do terminate in a forster fitting, so a counter part must be on the probe.
It do work tethered and plugged in the front, but it look stupid.
I do feel that if you did not have fill port ( for probe ) out front, you could probably cater to both further back with a threaded hole, which you could screw a foster fitting into, or put a probe deeper into that it would still have a sealing surface for the O-rings either side of the hole for the air.

I only partly relate to the fill probe haters.
An external regulator is a valuable tool for determining the optimal psi for a specific slug weight. Just because a PCP air rifle is rated for 4500 psi doesn't mean it will perform best at that pressure with every slug weight. Additionally, I prefer using an external regulator because I hunt coyotes and other animals from a distance in a blind, where consistent shot placement is crucial.
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Cartridges are currently used then they're recycled, but bulk filling from a tank will be happening soon. I just haven't found the right tank yet.


Who accepts, and recycles used cartridges?
It seems that 90% of the costs involved, would be from the cartridge, and not the CO2 inside.
But I have never seen anyone claiming to accept used cartridges.
That sounds like the feller that looked at my Ninja and asked why I don't ride a Harley. I told him I don't need to haul phat gurls.

