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Installed Airmarksman Backbone rail on my M3


Dec 14, 2022
Got my new Airmarksman backbone rail yesterday and got it installed. It has been raining here the past few days but it quit for about an hour and I got a chance to try it out on my woods range today. It did make a difference in the way the gun shoots now...it's like everyone said when I was asking about it, it seems less sensitive when shooting, still have to use good follow through but it's less sensitive than before and it definitely stiffened the frame of the rifle. When I re-mounted the scope I set the scope back to optical center before sighting it in as I don't need to shoot this rifle at any crazy distances....100 -200 yards max . I shot a few shots to get it dialed in and then shot a 5 shot group at 50 yards. With the tune I have on it now, it's shooting pretty good at 50 and 100 yards....:)

Here's a pic of the rifle and the 5 shot group at 50 yards......


I installed on on my M3 a couple of weeks ago. Turns out the rail on my original setup wasn't completely true so I was shooting further right the further I shot. It wasn't that noticeable at closer distances and I attributed it to my shooting. The new rail fixed that. Plus the bronze rail accents my bronze M3 quite nicely!
It definitely stiffens and aligns the rifle.....the best thing I like about it , it's all one piece....the original scope mount was a separate piece that had slop in it and could be misaligned with the center line of the rifle....It's a great idea and it works very well.....
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