08/17/17 JSB Jumbo Diabolo 15.89gr at 30 Yards. Wind at 9mph, off bipod and bag.
30 Yard, 10 shot group, just under 3/4 inch.
30 Yard, 10 shot group, 1/2 inch.
Shot 2 strings of 10. Find data below.
1) 878 875
2) 878 875
3) 876 876
4) 876 877
5) 876 876
6) 878 874
7) 878 873
8) 876 873
9) 874 876
10) 876 876
Min: 873, Max 878, Average: 876, ES: 5, SD 1.5
I'm very impressed with these numbers I got today. Please keep in mind, this stuff is fairly new to me and I'm still learning. I shot other pellets today, but took full data on the JSB 16s only. At 30 yards, these are pretty much hole on hole. Will continue to post on different pellets as I go. Thanks.