Introducing the Daystate Black Wolf!

It sounds like those regulations were put in places to discourage the use of high-powered air guns. As you said someone not interested in powder burner shooting has to get immersed in it order to get licensed to use a higher powered PCP.
Laws and regulations passed by individuals that have no actual concept of what airguns are all about but just the word “gun“ sent many screaming for the hills. I live in a state that requires a background check to buy a box of .22 ammo. Also at the age of 76 having canoed my entire life I am required to take a boating class because I want to put a melectric motor on the back of the canoe since I can’t use my shoulders very well any longer. Apparently, this is to assure that I don’t run my canoe into any freighters or passenger ships on the little creek I fish on. Our universe is full of the type of folk you describe.
All the best thanks again for the information. I’m sure you were enlightened to manny.
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The base gray Blackwolf in 17'' with a cylinder is $2200. The most comparable FX model would be the DRS Classic in 500mm which is only $999. $1200 less.
The base gray Blackwolf in 23'' with a bottle is $2600. The most comparable FX model would be the King Synthetic in 600mm which is only $1850. $750 less.
The FX M4 bullpup should only be compared to Daystate's Deltawolf bullpup. The 700mm M4 is $2000 the 28'' DeltaWolf is $3200. $1000 less.
You have to compare apples to apples
mechanical v electronic is apples to oranges-regarding your last comparison
Same here, we have a " driving " license for motorboats, though i still think you will be OK with a little 5 HP outboard motor.
But a more boat like boat and BAM you need a licence to operate it,,, and you better have a life jacket there for anyone onboard.

apples to apples
Indeed i do not feel it is that comparing DBW to DRS C, if anything it should probably be the DRS PRO

I am looking forward to seeing the price on the Macavity MA8 rifle, which have a electronic ( release ) trigger, but even that would probably be unfair to compare to Daystates fully electronic rifles, but i sure hope it is a totally other price bracket than those.
Thanks for the information.
Do those regulations have a lot of non Hunters buying hunting licenses in order to possess and shoot PCP’s with no caliber or power restrictions ?
Yes and no.

Back in 2011 the legislators realized pcp guns were becomming so powerful equally a firearm. They passed a law that by 1st of July 2013 all airguns above .177cal had to registrated regards of valid hunting licence. So owners of bigbore airguns could keep their airgun but not shoot them. If one had a valid hunting licence he could keep and shoot them as he used to. Those who failed to registrate their airgun would face felony charges. There was a two year transition period from 2011 to 2013 to get things in order. BUt to answer you question NO. Most people take their huntinglicence course is to buy a .30-06 and go deerhunting or a 12gauge and wack ducks. Airguns here play a secondary role only.

I was .25cal man before all this crap plus I had several of others like Whiscombe JW80 in .22cal and .177cal. However today the .177cal has taken a step one could only dream about 20 years ago. When the 177cal can do 35-40 ft/ibs with a 16-24grain slug no need for a 25cal really. I have done a lot of hunting with airguns here in Denmark and the US and experience the effeciency of the .177cal. Its the most underrated of all airgun calibers and it posesses great lethalty.
The airgunstuff isn`t as prominent as in England and the US. Thanks why we don`t see many danes here and yet there are more danes here than Swedes and Germans due to their very strict gunlaws.
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Just one news story by ekstrabladet ( Danish newspaper ) about FAC .177 and BAM, if we are lucky sub 12, but probably more like in Germany with 6 food pound.
I do get so very frustrated being a Dane, just about everything here.

" Funny" bit of news today by DR, about City hunters,
Less and less animals taken by hunters in Denmark, and it is apparently not for the lack of prey.
Danish fishing men also catch less and less, but still plenty of fish in the pristine Danish waters.
What I can say is that if I were in the market for a .30 rifle I would seriously consider this with the 23" barrel. It's putting out some serious power at that caliber. Fortunately(?) I just splurged on a very accurate .30 so I'm set for a while.

I'll definitely be watching this platform as I could see this as a future purchase consideration at some point.
Which 30 did u get.I can't decide and now this......
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Daystate have pioneered PCP air rifles for over 45 years.

We have led the way, not only with technology and performance (consider the introduction of our electronic computer enhanced airguns), but we also design with aesthetics and insist on creating beautiful rifles that our end users are proud to own.

Our design team has embodied this creativity to deliver the next generation of superguns !

The new BLACKWOLF model range can only be described as the ultimate platform. A series of air rifle models in configurations that are optimized for ANY and ALL shooting disciplines.
  • Informal Target
  • Hunting
  • Pest Control
  • Benchrest / Extreme / Unlimited
  • Long Range Target
  • Hunter Field Target
  • Field Target
  • Action Shooting (PRL, NRL, etc)
The rifle can ordered configured with multiple setups including the following features;.
  • Stocks - All stocks can be configured for cylinder or bottle and feature adjustable cheek pieces
    • Carbon Grey - A hard wearing single colour coating
    • Walnut - A beautiful Grade 2 walnut figured stock
    • Laminate - Fantastic Smoke Grey Luxury Laminate
    • TAC - State of the art fully adjustable tactical stock utilising a combination of high tech alloys and polymers
  • Barrels - (Easy change barrel / calibre system)
    • 17" Lothar Walther in .177, .22
    • 23" Lothar Walther in .177. .22, .25 and .30
    • 28" Lothar Walther in .177, .22, .25 and .30 (select from Pellet or Slug optimized)
  • Air Capacity
    • 200cc* or 300cc Alloy cylinder (*not at launch)
    • 300cc - 480cc - 580cc Carbon Bottle (Hi Lite)
  • Shot Capacity
    • Up to 400+ shots
  • Energy
    • Up to 135 ft/lbs
  • Trigger
    • Match Grade Trigger - from 200g min setting
    • Features a removable trigger cassette that can be swapped out for multiple configurations.
  • Power Adjuster
    • Super smooth with 20 adjustment positions
    • Features easy change hammer spring for infinite tuning possibilities.
  • New Titanium Firing Valve Stem (Ultra Fast)
  • Daystate fitted hard case* (* option on Carbon Grey models)
  • Tensioned Barrel System* (* option on Carbon Grey models)
  • Volumax* - Additional plenum Power upgrade (*FAC /Export and TAC models only )
It is important to remember our philosophy for product development at Daystate.

We support our existing end users with a way to upgrade their rifles to the latest specification easily. For example with FREE software upgrades (Alpha and Delta Wolf) latest valves, rails and other accessories.

BLACKWOLF is no exception to this.

Any model in the new BLACKWOLF range can be re-configured to another by easily changed parts, most of which are easily replaced or modified by the end user.

For example Stocks, Barrels/Calibres, Rails, Bottle to Cylinder conversions, Tensioners, Hammer Springs, Volumax etc.

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I really like that walnut stock.