Introduction - New to PCP after 40+ years with Pew Pews

As a grey haired, semi-retired old dude, I'm excited to join this community. I am a PCP newb, just dipping my toes into the sport. I'm starting with a Barra 250Z .25 caliber rifle, a Huma-Air Mod 40 compensator, a Vertex Sonora 4-12 x 44 scope, .98 CI carbon fiber air tank, and a GX CS3 compressor.

While PCP powered pistols and rifles are new to me, gun powder has been a constant. Most of my pew-pews are based on the AR-15/10 platform, with long distance, (+500 meters), as my sport of choice. I also shoot pistols, trap and skeet. My interest in PCP rifles comes from my desire to shoot without the need to drive to the range or dropping two dollars every time I pull the trigger.

The first thing I did with my 250Z was take it apart. As everyone is probably aware, the Barra 250Z is a LONG rifle. And once you mount a moderator/suppressor, the length can become an issue. (FYI, the Barra 250Z absolutely requires an after market moderator to be back yard friendly - out of the box this puppy is loud!) To make the rifle easier to transport, in addition to a quick suppressor mount, I wanted to utilize a LAW folding buffer tube adapter. (a knock off - I'm not using a real LAW adapter that costs more than the rifle). I discovered the buffer tube on the Barra 250Z is not Mil Spec. I could not fit the LAW adaptor, or a standard AR-15 buffer tube. I had to run a 1 3/16"- 16 tap to open up the threads for a Mil Spec buffer tube/adapter.

All in all, the buffer tube was a personal mod - so no real issue. And after a good cleaning and reassembly, I have a pretty sweet back yard tack driver I can shoot for pennies a shot without upsetting the neighbors. Life is good!
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As a grey haired, semi-retired old dude, I'm excited to join this community. I am a PCP newb, just dipping my toes into the sport. I'm starting with a Barra 250Z .25 caliber rifle, a Huma-Air Mod 40 compensator, a Vertex Sonora 4-12 x 44 scope, .98 CI carbon fiber air tank, and a GX CS3 compressor.

While PCP powered pistols and rifles are new to me, gun powder has been a constant. Most of my pew-pews are based on the AR-15/10 platform, with long distance, (+500 meters), as my sport of choice. I also shoot pistols, trap and skeet. My interest in PCP rifles comes from my desire to shoot without the need to drive to the range or dropping two dollars every time I pull the trigger.

The first thing I did with my 250Z was take it apart. As everyone is probably aware, the Barra 250Z is a LONG rifle. And once you mount a moderator/suppressor, the length can become an issue. (FYI, the Barra 250Z absolutely requires an after market moderator to be back yard friendly - out of the box this puppy is loud!) To make the rifle easier to transport, in addition to a quick suppressor mount, I wanted to utilize a LAW folding buffer tube adapter. (a knock off - I'm not using a real LAW adapter that costs more than the rifle). I discovered the buffer tube on the Barra 250Z is not Mil Spec. I could not fit the LAW adaptor, or a standard AR-15 buffer tube. I had to run a 1 3/16"- 16 tap to open up the threads for a Mil Spec buffer tube/adapter.

All in all, the buffer tube was a personal mod - so no real issue. And after a good cleaning and reassembly, I have a pretty sweet back yard tack driver I can shoot for pennies a shot without upsetting the neighbors. Life is good!

Welcome to the most addictive sport in the world. Have fun and enjoy
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i still havent resolved whether or not its 'actually' cheaper😂 guess it depends .. if you wind up with a whole rack full of pcps its gonna take awhile for the ammo situation to balance it out ..
Very true. I kept my PB’s, but added AG’s.

The bottom line is shooting is a diminishing skill, and the beauty of our AG’s is most of us can get important trigger time in at home. The cost quickly speaks for itself. 500 pellet weekend vs 500 bullet weekend 😲
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pew-pwe is code for the "G" word.
It is a sad state the world have come to, in this way i am fortunate to never had any " G " experience, so i only know how it is to be without, and assume / hope someone else can rescue you or feed you depending on your situation.

Pew also sort of is the sound a properly tuned air rifle say ( when hushed up )
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Pew pew? Code for the "g word"?

I Googled it. It's the sound native American kids use to imitate the sound of gunfire. It is also used by children at play to imitate the sound of laser beams.

What the heck am I missing here?

Do you use a pew pew to hunt coo coo roo coos?
A pew-pew is a powder burning gun. I usually just call them guns. 🤷‍♂️
I believe ive figured out your language and offer my warmest greet-greet!

The piff-piffs are great and can rival the accuracy of a pew-pew within their intended range. Within 50 yards some boing-boings are just as accurate as a piff-piff or a pew-pew and much less expensive than either.

If you enjoy your piff-piff you might consider a boing-boing just for fun. They are self contained and you can get a real shooter for about the same price as a pew-pew. They have a bit more loop-loop than a piff-piff and they drift in the blow-blow. But that just makes the shoot-shoot more fun.

I too have been shooting pew-pews for many decades (mostly bang-bang but a few boom-booms and pop-pops). I have several very accurate boing-boings and a couple nice pop-pops that allow me to shoot daily for a few pennies a shoot-shoot. They are both a great alternative to a pew-pew and in my op-op even more joy-joy.

So greet- greet! This is a great place to learn about the finer details of the pellet rifle world! Many of these rascals around here really know their stuff.
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I believe ive figured out your language and offer my warmest greet-greet!

The piff-piffs are great and can rival the accuracy of a pew-pew within their intended range. Within 50 yards some boing-boings are just as accurate as a piff-piff or a pew-pew and much less expensive than either.

If you enjoy your piff-piff you might consider a boing-boing just for fun. They are self contained and you can get a real shooter for about the same price as a pew-pew. They have a bit more loop-loop than a piff-piff and they drift in the blow-blow. But that just makes the shoot-shoot more fun.

I too have been shooting pew-pews for many decades (mostly bang-bang but a few boom-booms and pop-pops). I have several very accurate boing-boings and a couple nice pop-pops that allow me to shoot daily for a few pennies a shoot-shoot. They are both a great alternative to a pew-pew and in my op-op even more joy-joy.

So greet- greet! This is a great place to learn about the finer details of the pellet rifle world! Many of these rascals around here really know their stuff.
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