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Results Invicta FTC (Minor Hill, TN) April 2024 Match #1 Results

Posted for David Slade:

We had colder weather to start the match, and winds to mess with our scores, in fact I think we have had more wind in the first three matches of this season that the whole of last year! Brad, as usual, came out early and cleaned the course as needed, much appreciated!

Anyway, we had seven shooters come out, hope to see more as the weather improves, Grant and Gray made the long drive to compete, hope to see them more this season, if their sports program allows.

I got the opportunity to shoot with Danny Ayers, and we were discussing how even though we are both veterans of the sport, we both managed recently to fall into Brads trap of having a really short target, then a long one, and that can make you forget to reset your turret and thereby shoot over the top of the far target, when we heard Brad say thats exactly what he did.... funny old life, isn't it?

As my last match while being in my fifties, I somehow managed to get a decent score, kinda went out with a bang! Gray shot his personal best high score this go round, I am eager to see how he improves when he starts in piston class soon.

Our next match is on the 27th of April, due to the Bayou airgun club hosting their Cajun Spring classic next weekend, its going to be fun!!

God Bless

David Slade

Match Winner
54/60 David Slade Steyr LG110 Nikko Stirling 10-50 AA 8.4

World Class
54/60 David Slade Steyr LG110 Nikko Stirling 10-50 AA 8.4
51/60 Danny Ayers Thomas March 10-60 JSB 8.4
39/60 Grant Summerlin Anschutz 9015 Sightron 10-60 JSB 8.4

Open Class
47/60 Jeff Hale TM1000 Nikko Stirling 10-50 AA 10.3

WFTF Piston
48/60 Brad Troyer TX200 HC Sightron 10-60 JSB 8.4

Hunter Class
24/60 Gray Summerlin Daystate Airwolf Vector optics 10-40 AA 10.3
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