Iron sights


Dec 14, 2020
On, Canada
Today I pulled out my Diana Mouser K98 .22. with iron sights. This gun is amazing. Every time I shoot it ,it’s a treat. And what a tack driver. Unfortunately Diana finished off the end caps in plastic, drives me crazy. I had to put a small piece of rubber on butt, so it will lean in corner and not slide. 86DAAF91-40C1-4C1F-BA15-3061B3F3AD37.jpeg Not the prettiest rifle.9CB71B4A-2A7F-4D5D-AFEE-F86637FD5725.jpeg I like the fact Mouser is stamped on it.
This next pic is 11 targets 33 consecutive shots, 25 yds. 1933EEBF-76AE-4ED0-ACDB-BB42A7B65021.jpeg
And I have a question. I’m having a hard time seeing the front sight.
Is there any recommendations?
I did get a luminous paint from Patch Worm. Will this work?
Is there a fibre optic sight available?
I’d love to see what everyone recommends. I sometimes have had trouble seeing the black front sight of my HW30S against dark backgrounds as well, especially towards dusk. I put a little white paint on one blade insert and that helped somewhat, but I’m guessing something more reflective would be better. I saw Williams made a fiber optic sight for the firearm Mauser K98, but the product appears to be discontinued now. Also don’t know about compatibility.

Very nice rifle by the way. I’ve always liked replicas and consider the Mauser K98 one of the classics.
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The best answer might be an aperture rear sight with an adjustable iris...but that would rather spoil the wonderful "military" look of the beast!

I'm not personally familiar with the 98, but does the front sight have the ability to take different inserts?

My old eyeballs have a hard time with a pointed post - even with the aperture. I find simply changing to a parallel-sided, or tapered post with a bead, gives me a more repeatable sight picture.
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I'm not personally familiar with the 98, but does the front sight have the ability to take different inserts?

My old eyeballs have a hard time with a pointed post, and find simply changing to a straight-sided post or a beaded tapered one gives me a more repeatable sight picture.
You hit the nail on the head.
My eyes have same issues and the point makes it blurry. I think if the taper is eliminated, it would definitely help. Thanks Crow
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Hey Crow. Use an extra, favorite front globe sight insert and cut it out at the base giving you more meat to work with. Then using a screw with that specific metric thread, make a hole or groove which ever is needed and with JB Weld, you have a custom front sight. It locks with a set screw so it’s easy to secure.
That's a very interesting "throwback" front sight design!

In the days before tunnel type sights with flat metal inserts, interchangeable-element front target sights looked like this - lovely little milled steel posts, held in by a setscrew. Several makes used near-identical ones (the pic is a Weihrauch HW 55 from the mid-50's, but the posts are Anschutz ones from eBay that fit fine).

The K98 sight looks as if it's intended to use these, or something similar. Might be worth investigating! They show up on eBay pretty often, and surely wouldn't be too hard to make on a lathe. The bases of these are 0.195", or right at 5 mm, in diameter.

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Hey Crow. Use an extra, favorite front globe sight insert and cut it out at the base giving you more meat to work with. Then using a screw with that specific metric thread, make a hole or groove which ever is needed and with JB Weld, you have a custom front sight. It locks with a set screw so it’s easy to secure.
Thanks. Excellent idea. Crow
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That's a very interesting "throwback" front sight design!

Back in the days before the invention of tunnel type sights with flat metal inserts, target rifles often had interchangeable elements like these - lovely little milled steel posts that were held in by a setscrew. Several makes used near-identical ones (the pic is a Weihrauch HW 55 from the mid-50's).

The K98 sight looks as if it's intended to use these, or something similar. Might be worth investigating! They show up on eBay pretty often, and surely wouldn't be too hard to make on a lathe. The bases of these are 0.195", or right at 5 mm,
View attachment 275596
Ah, the infamous 55. Got to like the cast or turned front sight choices of yesteryear vs. the stamped sights of today.
Thanks, I will look for a set to have. Another great idea.
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