Well yours got sunlight holes in the hood/ globe to allow light in on the post..
Hw/ beeman its dark and not that great.
You figure black receiver, black rear sight , black barrel, black post in a dark cave globe..
Then youd think at thete pricing and hype theyd offrr a better target clear to see and a bit more accurized. Sights , not same as cheap china ( like on a $90 xisico)..lol. Hmmmmm... For a $400+ gun they could do a guy much better.. way better. (Opinion)
Sutch a good shooting gun and chinched it with ¢r@p iron /open sights.. a shame.
I also did a trick on the rear blade in a sunshade to help stop blurr and glare of the notch.. and the same stuff for the 2 dots on the blades notches
Them inserts shown above look like somthing to get . For me the " lolly" works best . With the ones he shows woth the ball style shoud or may up your game a bit? Mostly it's the 3 p's in the end Pellets Practice & Patience...
I just shot a 30 yard with cphp's .177 , R9, irons, just to compare and your not so bad off as it is anyway as it is i think