Is is legal to ship an air rifle to NJ?

Based on my limited experience with NJ, I think it's fair to assume that anything related to firearms, including air rifles, is subject to restrictive regulation and should be considered only with caution and legal advice. I was talking to a police officer once at at a party in NJ, and we got on the topic or firearms and shooting. I was specifically asking about travel in NJ with a handgun, and was quickly advised to forget about it. Obviously not the same issue as an air rifle, but their regulatory structure seems very anti-gun in general. And like most such states and municipalities, they prefer legislation over understanding. 
I had someone from New Jersey contact me just the other day too. They just joined that same day. Not sure if it's the same person or not. They haven't posted anything or replied to any topics yet and I didn't want to get scammed. I pointed out that they were in New Jersey and just said I wasn't apposed to selling to them but I was aware that there are restrictions there and was unfamiliar with the laws. I figure law abiding people will abide by the laws (as ridiculous as they may be) and would be aware what those restrictions are and if they have purchased air guns before would either attempt to educate me on their laws or inform me how to proceed. I wouldn't take their word for it at face value of course, and would double check the information and try and verify how accurate it is before proceeding. They did not reply back to me. I feel sorry for those who live in New Jersey. Seems like a frustrating place to live for those who enjoy shooting guns.
Hello there.. I am trying to buy an air gun in NJ, but damn sooo mucchh problems with it . Rules... ( 1) no silencer (2) no Shroud. (3) magazine no more than 10 pellets .. I called today one the stores to ask about what I wanted and how it comes .. he said nooo, can NOT buy it.. I said .."but the seller can ship it without all of those that are not legal, with a single tray no silencer no shroud" ..he said if the gun comes with these from the factory and those things can be removed and added back to it .. then, the gun it self its ilegal..

Please give me a hand, it will be very much appreciated.. or if any one can help, I will always be great-full 

sorry for the long writing but I have being looking forward to buying a good PCP for a long time with no luck 

Lived in NJ my whole life and am pretty knowledgeable on NJ's draconian gun laws. But, I am not a lawyer. Most of what that seller told you is true. No suppressor. No external or internal sound deadening shrouds of any kind. 10 round mag limit. Must ship to an FFL as air rifles are considered real firearms in this communist state. However it is not true that if the rifle came with a suppressor even if it is not on the rifle, it is illegal. If it is a semi automatic, the thread protector must be welded on permanently. If it is not a semi automatic, there is no need to permanently affix a cap on the threads. But, you cannot put a suppressor on it. 
If you both want to go to prison if caught. Even if you don't get caught now, years in the future if you have any interaction with the police, and they find that pistol that you didn't get a handgun permit for, it's off to the slammer for you. Best bet is to move out of this commie state if you can, and never vote for any Democrat wherever you move.
If you both want to go to prison if caught. Even if you don't get caught now, years in the future if you have any interaction with the police, and they find that pistol that you didn't get a handgun permit for, it's off to the slammer for you. Best bet is to move out of this commie state if you can, and never vote for any Democrat wherever you move.

👍👍👍 Useful idiots
When I lived in "The Peoples Republic of New Jersey" a few decades ago I had to go to the police department and get finger printer 3 times to get a FIREARM PERMIT to legally buy a .177 cal HW50, then the rifle needed to be picked up at a licensed gun retailer. LOL......if I wanted to legally buy a PELLET PISTOL I had to get another permit (a pistol permit) and pick it up at a licensed gun retailer.

With the rifle permit I could buy multiple rifles with the single permit, however to buy a second pistol it was required to obtain a second pistol permit, so on and so forth.

I can't imaging the NJ gun laws getting easier over the years so it's best to contact the NJ authorities to get the current requirements.