Is mongoose an invasive species in Big Island

WE should not mess with mother nature . the Earth has been successful here millions of years , why do WE think WE can make it better ?
Wisconsin eradicated wolfs years ago . Years later WE discovered that the rabbits and rats and other creatures were over populated and the deer herds were in trouble (sickly) WE figured out it was the lack of wolf to keep the balance . I lived in IL. but remember the News stories .
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Danes took out the wolf a long long time ago, but that dident really do much.
Our problem is the super intensive farming and its run off, and while i am a big bacon fan, having + 2 pigs for every Dane probably not healthy.
Rabbits have been put out here, most often on little islands for hunters, but otherwise in general it is damn rare you see one.

Wolf are back now, naturally, but other nasties have found their way, some coming from as far as the Russian " alps " and only thanks to those and rats can Danish hunters now buy NV scopes ( with permit of course )
The border fence we now have with Germany, it is only there to stop feral pigs that they do have, CUZ no one want to ruin the billion DKkr Danish pig industry.
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Thank you all for the wonderful information and history about these mongooses. It would be great if the government allow the public to do pest control using air guns. But that would result in other negative effects such as safety and permits etc.

Oh well, it has been a fun trip here at Big Island and I can’t wait to return home so I can play with my air guns again.

You see it all the time. Back in the day someone had a problem like rats chewing sugar can and then had the bright idea of introducing the mongoose. Never mind the problems that may cause down the road, it’s entirely about the bottom line. We consider these issues now but 50-100 years ago nobody cared. This planet is quite capable of taking care of itself. It could mean killing off most of the people but the planet doesn’t care. I’m not one for shooting any animals just for fun but it may be necessary to get things back into balance.

Rick H.
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