FX Is the Crown Going Away?

It seems to me that the FX King pretty much replaces the Crown. I love my Crown MK2; in fact I actually have two of them. The King though has all the features that I always thought an eventual Crown MK3 should have.
Don’t be dazzled by those GRS stocks. I had one on an Anschutz rimfire. Its configuration, especially in the wrist area is kinda weird and not suited for BR type shooting. IMO, they are for eyewash only and too heavy to carry in the field.
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It seems like interest and dealer stock of FX Crown rifles is becoming less and less. It’s a fine rifle with a lot of capabilities as good as most of these frankenguns FX has since introduced. What’s your thoughts?

I hope that FX will retain the Crown as a platform for pure pellet shooters.

The dynamic block was developed with slug shooting performance as the priority. I’ve spoken with a pellet shooter who has multiple Crowns and had a King that he attempted to tune to shoot pellets as well as his Crowns - it didn’t match the Crown’s accuracy with pellets and he eventually sold the King.

The Crown Mk2 has a plenum of about 30cc. I’ve found this plenum size worked well for me in .177, .22 and .25 caliber with the Crown. I haven’t tried the Crown with .30 Caliber yet, but I have the .30 barrel and probe - eventually will try it with 44g.

For pellet only shooters, the Crown and Dreamline platforms have been my most consistently accurate target rifles from 50 yards in. I haven’t tested them beyond 50 yards - but I will this spring. (I am closing in on owning 20 higher end PCPs to compare accuracy to - 3 Daystates, 5 FX, 2 RTI, 1 Taipan, etc)

For Crown/Dreamline I own:
1 Dreamline Classic (.177 500mm)
2 Crown Mk2s (.22 and .25 currently)
1 Dreamline PowerPup - massive 80cc plenum (currently .22 600mm)

The Dreamline barrels work fine on the Crown. Same barrels, just thinner shroud. The magazines for Dreamline and Crown Mk2 are the same.

The Dreamline Classic with tube is a beautiful rifle for .177 - classic looks and many shots per fill in .177. Very light weight. The Crown seems a bit large for a .177 platform, but it has a bottle and external hs adjustment that DL Classic doesn’t.

If I could start from scratch, I’d have bought all Dreamline barrels - then I could use the barrels on both Crowns and Dreamlines. The DL PowerPup handles .25 and .30 calibers with ease. The Crown Mk2 handles .25 caliber with ease, as I said above - have not tested .30 on my Crowns yet.

I don’t believe the other FX rifle platforms have anywhere near the level of interchangeability that the Dreamline/Crown platform does.

So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that FX continues these pellet focused platforms

I think the Crown has a place if they want to keep it for pellet shooters. It isn’t so over powered that it can more easily handle lower powered configurations to shoot multiple pellet options while not having to make as many adjustments.

For example, setting up my .22 Crown to easily switch between 18s and 25s was much easier with the Crown than it was with the Impact. Sure the Impact could do it, but it had so much power than I also had to bring the reg down too in order to get optimal shooting with the 18s after shooting the 25s. With the Crown, they both shot amazing with just the hammer spring adjustment. That doesn’t happen often.
Do you think it will ever come full circle, back to simple SOOB (straight out of box) laser accurate shooters without so many bells & whistles? The number of extra parts, inordinate # of o-rings & myriad settings to be tried & remembered just seems to create more areas where things can go wrong. Imho, I'd rather have a gun(s) that shoots reliably & accurately every time without all the extra, fancy & experimental stuff. Just wondering if sooner or later most people will come back to wanting the same.
Don’t be dazzled by those GRS stocks. I had one on an Anschutz rimfire. Its configuration, especially in the wrist area is kinda weird and not suited for BR type shooting. IMO, they are for eyewash only and too heavy to carry in the field.
Those GRS stocks look pretty but I’ve never handled one. I really favor the chassis style stocks for their adjustability. Both of my Crown MK2 rifles have Saber Tactical chassis stocks. My .177 Crown is my favorite for silhouette shooting.
I doubt it's going anywhere. Bullpups and tactical setups are popular now but people will will want a nice "rifle" in their collection at some point . At least I do. The one I really like is the Royal 400 . Could be my next pcp . BRK and Daystate make some nice ones as well .

I tend to agree Headshots.

What we USA Crown enthusiasts have going for us is all the countries with power restrictions on air rifles.

I’d imagine that tuning DOWN (to say 12 ft/lbs) a Panthera that was designed to sling slugs in PRS competitions is at least as difficult as dialing UP the power in a platform that was originally designed for 12 ft/lbs.

FX will continue to sell a lot of Crowns in those power restricted markets.
I have the M2 Crown Contineum. Came with 2 Barrels, etc... in 30 cal. 2 years old.

Issues I have experienced.


1. FX is terrible with upkeep on documentation. M2 version is all together different than M1 versions. IE: Hammer, Hammer Spring, Barrels, Regulator, Upgraded performance parts for lets say Slugs, need to pay close attention as things such as heavier hammer is only available for M1 version as example.

2. FX Superlight Barrels absolutely Sux. There I said it... Someone had to. Not sure if they use these on other FX Platforms. Light bumps, handling rifle by barrel, breathing on barrel, looking at barrel, too much flex in barrels, the longer the worse it is.

3. Stocks, There are 2 factory design versions. Original from FX M1 that also came/comes with current M2 Models and the other from GRS. GRS makes Stocks for Rifles, Shotguns, and FX Air Rifles. It appears to me with latest europeeing gun hating socialist that they have recently cracked down on shipping ANYTHING that looks like a gun, gun part, archery, bbs, EVEN HIGH END WATER PISTOLS/RIFLES, Can no longer be shipped to usa. As it looks??? GRS is not making stocks any longer for Crown, either they are too busy, recent crushing regulations regarding airguns, or combo of both. I have tried getting the GRS Stock seperately and that was no joy. Additionally, the GRS Stocks are superb premium Stock, I have them on my Mauser Bolt Rifles and they are the very very best Stocks I have ever used. The original FX Crown Stocks also Blow Chunks, That Cheek Riser design, and the laminate versions of the same.... Its more comfortable using a Stock built with high heeled shoes.


1. The FX Crown is an absolute tack driver AT 100 YARDS! AND FURTHER! I shoot mine out to 300 yards regularly using FX Hybrid Slugs.
2. The Crown shoots Slugs and Pellets equally accurate like a laser!!! Comments below regarding the Crown as a "Pellet Gun Only, Prefered,???? wth???"


1. Get rid of Stupid-Light Barrel System. Use Barrel System from FX M1 Crown or Dreamline. This Barrel system has a steel liner that slides over barrels along with a different outer barrel that slides over steel sleeve.

2. Stock; GRS Stocks that come with current Crown models are the best. As of this writting, GRS Stocks are not available seperately in the USA. Not even for Part Replacements due to shipping restrictions from overseas. (F ing Pedodent Biden.... So, either get aftermarket, only two manufacturers, Saber, and Masterpiece Arms, the later being the best. If you are on a budget and dealing with the original stock... get the grinder out, grind off the cheekpiece, reshape Stock, then slap leather cheekpiece sleeve on it.

3. For more power shooting Slugs.

---High Flow Transfer Port. Dual or Single Versions.
---Upgraded Regulator from Huma Air. NOTE: FX Crowns came with 3 different sized Regulators. Largest being later built M1 Crowns and all M2 current versions. Huma Air shows how to check/verify.
---Carbon Fiber Barrel Sleeve setup is nice, but not necsesary, it stiffens barrel liners, or you can easily make your own WITHOUT idiotic Barrel Sleeve O Rings. Seriously FX... wtf? Please dont say for harmonic accuracy bs.

---Ugrade to heavier Hammer Spring.
---Upgrade to Slug Pin Probe.
---Upgrade to Single/Dual larger Transfer Ports.
---Use Barrel System from M1 Crown or Dreamline.
---Carbon Fiber Barrel Sleeve which subsitutes outer aluminum sleeve from Stock. This is not necssary but does stiffen and lighten barrel somewhat. Again you can diy your own.
---Upgrade to aftermarket FX Crown Stock; Saber, MPA.

----heavier Hammer, Spring, Pin Probe, Slug Kit for Slugs from M1 CROWN version. Note, Verify parts, and any other small needed parts. Hammer for Slugs is considerably heavier than stock. And shoots the heavier Slugs perfect.
----All above mentioned in Option#1 minus first two items.

Regarding FX Stocks in general.... Im guessing here, but recent experience trying to ship a GRS Stock from UK failed. Big crack down shipping anything parcel post that LOOKS like a gun or gun parts! Stocks especially they wont ship overseas into usa.

Im also assuming any normal looking wood type Stocks, Synthetic, etc... FX uses a Stock manufacturer to build Stocks for them. GRS is in Norway, a country right next to them, so using GRS to build Stocks makes sense.

When it comes to usa market... PARTS become a huge problem. Recent law changes preventing ANY gun parts including airgun parts coming in using regular Parcel Post. That leaves Air Shipping or Sea Freight which are expensive.

Its easy to use regular mail/shipping options for airgun parts due to simply being square chunks of aluminum, Orings, Springs, steel tubes. Listing them as Fasteners, Steel Parts, on BOL is straightforward and easy.

Anything that LOOKS like a gun part is going to be seen in Postal/Shippers Scanners then flagged and prevented from shipping, things like RIFLE STOCKS!!!

Looking at FXs latest Air Rifle lineup notice there are no conventional looking wood/synthetic Stocks? They are all Aluminum Chassis Systems that can be seperated, Butt Stocks, from rails...

This is probably the main reason for FX rifle/parts availability in usa and any potential issues with usa version of Crown.
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My FX Crown MKII with the Saber Tactical stock works well for BR shooting. I acquired a walnut stock in perfect shape that I may someday replace the Saber with. I agree that FX makes too many minor changes during their production runs. So far, I have not had any problems with this rifle. I shoot 100 yd BR matches in .22 cal with a 600 mm barrel. I also have a 600 mm barrel in .177 that works well too. I did have reg creep, so I replaced all the O rings in the OEM reg and it works fine.
Don’t be dazzled by those GRS stocks. I had one on an Anschutz rimfire. Its configuration, especially in the wrist area is kinda weird and not suited for BR type shooting. IMO, they are for eyewash only and too heavy to carry in the field.
They are definitely not designed for benchrest. I’ve never seen anyone suggest they are.

The wrist area is intentionally canted and suits prone and offhand shooting. They’re built for maximum contact with the rifle and maximum comfort.
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I disagree on the FX Crown (MKII) laminate stock being uncomfortable to me its one of the most comfortable adjustable stocks Ive used. I put a barrel band on mine and poi shift seems to have disappeared and no poi shift when filling/emptying gun so far. Also see no reason for heavier hammer spring mine shoots plenty good enough for my intended purpose. As far as Ive been able to shoot mine so far is 62 yds and its very accurate w/18gr JSBs.
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