Seneca/Sam Yang Is the Seneca Dragonfly pumping system

Pretty much the same


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I can't say that I understand the logic behind it. By all accounts, that linkage allows it to pump very easily, but it requires something like 14 pumps to build full pressure. That's a whole lot of work for just one shot, easy pumping or not. Why not just bump the diameter of the pump tube up 1/8" so that you don't need to pump it 14 times?
I can't say that I understand the logic behind it. By all accounts, that linkage allows it to pump very easily, but it requires something like 14 pumps to build full pressure. That's a whole lot of work for just one shot, easy pumping or not. Why not just bump the diameter of the pump tube up 1/8" so that you don't need to pump it 14 times?
Mine builds suffient pressure for accurate shots from 7 yards {6 pumps), 21 yards (8 pumps), and 30-35 yds (10 pumps) with H&N FTT's. I fo not have chrono #'s but other members have posted theirs for similar numbers of pump strokes.

Sitting in a chair on the back poch, gun on a sandbag on the rail, it's pretty quick & easy to pump 6-10 times while seated.
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