I have 3 of these Sightron Scopes. They are very nice and focus down to 8 yards.
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My March 5-42 focuses down to 8Y on 42x, but probably 5Y on 5x, not sure because I haven't tried.
Just in case someone was curious![]()
I have the Sniper 3-9x32 which I think is very close to UTG, and has the red, green and blue illumination.
I have that Sniper too.
Do either of you have an experience with the Sniper 1.5-6x44?
I've thought about getting that to use on a back yard rabbit gun. Low mag, decent field of view for keeping them in sight as they slowly hop across the yard at close range looking for the most tasty patch of grass.
I had my eye on that and one other Sniper scope. I can't remember which model but I found the same scope on Ebayand it had very different specifications from those on Texas Optics so I became concerned and didn't buy either.
And Parrotculler, are you going to start a thread about the feral parrots in your area? I'd be fascinated to learn more about what species are established, what kind of damage they do, their numbers, etc.