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Is this a new change that has occurred ?


Sep 27, 2022
Polk NC
It appears that when you quote/reply someone now it only captures one item not like it used to with all the multiple layers of red outlines lol .
To me it makes it more difficult to follow the topics / discussions that are being had . It leaves room for confusion and misunderstandings to occur more often with those that do not read an entire thread before commenting.

Has any one else noticed this or am I missing something ???

If I am wrong or incorrect I apologize in advance as all of us can have a moment at anytime haha .
I can still quote multiple lines in different layers.
when I clicked above to reply it only pick on text or box lol .

Try quoting mine and see if it layers them inside of each other or only grabs one when you click reply . I appreciate your help .
To do this, you need to reply Caliber 22 then click reply on swNCsw.......You must layer the quotes yourself.

kind of like this but it would label the individuals at the top as to identify who said what . lol I had to to a screen capture of an old post to get it to work some what like it used too .
Yea it is definitely different lol you can do a search way back as in years ago and it still is not what it was before the new format lol . I guess it was one of tha features lost in the new format . No worries though it will in my opinion just cause confusion and people to respond less over time .

I guess time will tell if it is a benefit or a loss lol .
The boxs are not layered and inside of each other but yes I see what you are saying and appreciate your input and post . Thank you Sir.

I may be incorrectly stating what I mean haha I am getting old and not good at type lol .
@swNCsw Older members will mostly understand what you mean. I haven’t seen that feature in a while. It may have been done away with when the site was overhauled.
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