Is this hobby is worst than drugs??

I,m 79 years Young. I do not wear glasses, still get around good, but just slower than before, & still shoot pretty good.
But I still see new guns I would like to have, or think I can,t go on with out it.I have been addicted to smoking the same
with alcohol for many years of my early life. But came to grips with that I had to stop. I,m now retired & on a fixed income but
that has not exactly stoped me with this addiction. I can say this I have not bought any $1000 guns yet or will ever. I think
people that can afford them it is only money right. But I have as much enjoyment as any of you. My Avenger can shoot better
than me. I have come to the conclusion. (It is really more fun wanting something than having it) . Think about that. You want
something REALLY BAD, then you order it. You use & truly enjoy it , then the day comes a new model of what you have comes
out & all of a sudden you start wanting that, & put what ever you wanted before a side? Yes we have & still do that. The one
Great thing in getting old is you gain WISDOM. You can not teach wisdom, you must live it. God Bless all my friends here.

Nothing worse than drugs and alchohol, which is drugs too. Do you drink or drug or are you happy? Do you consult the manufacturer to find out what fuel and oil to use in an automobile? Well, I asked my maker what I operate on best. He showed me and I became the happiest person I ever was. Few are as content. How will your car run on the wrong fuel and how long will it last with the wrong oil? Will it perform properly?
Spending is a self control issue. Like what comes out of your mouth, it requires maturity and wisdom.
Getting old doesn't make you wise. I know lots of old fools. Lots of them
Yob 66 here.

I have a T-shirt that read.

Too old to fight.
Too slow to run.
But i can still shoot pretty darn good.

alchohol, which is drugs too
I agree, actually i call alcohol "state sanctioned liquid drug", and Danes love it very much, aside all the illegal stuff.

I stopped drinking regularly around 1988, but i was a pothead for quite some time after that, but that is also a long gone age for me.

I do still like a glass of single malt, but its like 1 - 2 times a year at the most.
Actually a few weeks we got to have our delayed July 4 celebration here, first time i had alcohol in over 2 years.
i am 74 and i disagree on passing wisdom
if you read enough forums, you will see that wisdom is written all the time how it is used is another story because you have to sort it out of the opinions
on the addiction side of thing, we have a hobby that take a fair share of consumables but in the end the pistols and rifles stay, and their value also stays and at some point, they will be in others hands family, friends or a new owner as the next caretaker
an addiction that consumes us in good days of shooting by ourselves or with other
I guess I have to plead guilty to the addiction thing. I have six very nice PCP rifles, and I really need only one. I also drink bourbon every evening before dinner. I'm not planning on selling any air rifles or stopping the bourbon. My brother died too young of cancer. I was talking to him one evening as I was sipping my bourbon. His answer, "Everything in moderation, the bourbon isn't going to kill you. Enjoy it before something else does!"
hehe i feel you M8.

I have just become 1 short after a sell, still kind of surprised i managed that.

Of course thinking there is on one to inherit me, and so a collection of fine rifles will most likely just become scrap iron.
Of course i would be gone then. But i also have other hobbies, and also things i like to do which are not free.

On a side note, moving my little sister for the #2 time in #2 months, it seem like my 35 YO Nephew might be interested in learning to shoot.
It would be nice if he could get a little trigger time on my old .22, so he at least know the basics of a firearm, from proper instruction VS what he see in some GD movie.
The " kid " got his simmer break after this week, so maybe he will man up and go to the range with old crusty uncle.
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screw all that,too many die from drugs and alcohol,too many families torn apart to many people suffer. This air gun" thing" is one thing only ,"keeping up with the Jones guy" Truth is if air guns were they way they were 5 years ago we can still have great fun with them places like this is a place to brag and show off,show of the next best thing because you one of the boys...we never grow out of bragging and showing off Fact is we Enjoy it:ROFLMAO:
I bought my first PCP the first year I was retired, 2020. I was fortunate and got in a nice vacation trip to Israel before Covid hit and bought a Prod after getting home. My kids had already given me a hand pump so I started shooting it. I'm up to 6 now, only one of them over $500. I am blessed to be able to afford pretty much any gun I really want but I am still struggling to see the logic in the more expensive guns. I get as much enjoyment from my "cheap" ones. I started a 30 yard challenge target with my "expensive" PCP (a Caiman X) yesterday shooting 8 targets. Wind picked up and I needed to walk the dog so I stopped. I finished it last night with my P35-177. Wind was lighter in the evening but I shot every bit as well with the P35. Combined score was 195 - not my best but good enough to put a smile on my face. I'm sipping a glass of wine as I watch a movie and blog. It's my normal night time routine. I think we need to be moderate in a lot of things including alcohol and our spending on hobbies. I like to fish too and that costs. But the accounts are increasing and not decreasing so I think it's under control. I'm 68 and take no prescription drugs on a daily basis. So it seems like that is under control for now too. Shooting is a fun, interesting hobby and airguns is something I can do in my yard. Got interrupted, dog was barking at a deer. She also tips me off to squirrels and other visitors.