Is this hobby is worst than drugs??

Oh, I rather like drugs. Been making my living off them for about 56 years now. Registered Pharmacist.
I don't have an addiction with guns, but rather an obsession. meaning if I cannot shoot, either air guns or powder burners I do not suffer withdrawal. That is to say I really enjoy them but could do without, not that I would like to do so. I am about to turn 79 in a couple of months, and my father created a monster when he started teaching me to shoot when I was about 5 years old. Been a lifelong hobby for me. Back in the early 70's when I did not know anything about these fine airguns and I was stationed in Turkey where we could not have rifled arms, I learned to shoot skeet, and even got a slug barrel for my shotgun. There was a somewhat marsh area near Izmir, and we would drive out there and shoot big turtles with 12 ga slugs. There were literally thousands of those things along ditches so we did not make a dent in the population.
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I believe my avatar says it all. :cool:

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I,m 79 years Young. I do not wear glasses, still get around good, but just slower than before, & still shoot pretty good.
But I still see new guns I would like to have, or think I can,t go on with out it.I have been addicted to smoking the same
with alcohol for many years of my early life. But came to grips with that I had to stop. I,m now retired & on a fixed income but
that has not exactly stoped me with this addiction. I can say this I have not bought any $1000 guns yet or will ever. I think
people that can afford them it is only money right. But I have as much enjoyment as any of you. My Avenger can shoot better
than me. I have come to the conclusion. (It is really more fun wanting something than having it) . Think about that. You want
something REALLY BAD, then you order it. You use & truly enjoy it , then the day comes a new model of what you have comes
out & all of a sudden you start wanting that, & put what ever you wanted before a side? Yes we have & still do that. The one
Great thing in getting old is you gain WISDOM. You can not teach wisdom, you must live it. God Bless all my friends here.

yes almost an addiction . 79 here , this year i came to realize i have to many guns that i do not shoot , most of them PCP , i am in selling mode ,but only at Air gun shows ,face to face and cash . I do not ship , to much can happen .
You guys crack me up. It is like a heroine addict listening to people trying to quit smoking.

You should try setting land speed records on a motorcycle. Or maybe not. Haha
I was going to say, motorcycles were my addiction before I got back into airguns. Was up to 6 MC before I moved to AZ. I had a 1995 KTM 550 2 smoke dirt bike that I paid $1500 for then proceeded to put another $5000 into it. It's been sitting in my son's garage unused for over 4 years. Don't drink, have never smoked but remember, ya can't take it with ya !😁😁
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I was going to say, motorcycles were my addiction before I got back into airguns. Was up to 6 MC before I moved to AZ. I had a 1995 KTM 550 2 smoke dirt bike that I paid $1500 for then proceeded to put another $5000 into it. It's been sitting in my son's garage unused for over 4 years. Don't drink, have never smoked but remember, ya can't take it with ya !😁😁
I bought a 250 ninja in 2008. Wanted to see how fast it would go offficially .
Next race is in September with a new motor. I am lost
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