Is this hobby is worst than drugs??

I guess I have to plead guilty to the addiction thing. I have six very nice PCP rifles, and I really need only one. I also drink bourbon every evening before dinner. I'm not planning on selling any air rifles or stopping the bourbon. My brother died too young of cancer. I was talking to him one evening as I was sipping my bourbon. His answer, "Everything in moderation, the bourbon isn't going to kill you. Enjoy it before something else does!"
Yes, everything in moderation even airguns..

I once heard pastor Rick Warren say, "learning from your mistakes is experience. Learning from the mistakes of others is wisdom."

Yes, this addiction is worse than drugs, there is no treatment program and you can spend your life as a functioning gun-aholic. And if you try quitting cold turkey, the withdrawal symptoms last for quite some time.

At least that's what a good friend tells me, I've never had a problem.......
I wear a t-shirt that reads...Just one more gun, I promise.

I am winding down on purchases. Will be retiring in a few I need to lighten the load. I haven't decided what to keep in both powder and air. Would like to sell some to get me down to 13 guns total.

I believe I have more than 13 shotguns.

Going to be hard
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I,m 79 years Young. I do not wear glasses, still get around good, but just slower than before, & still shoot pretty good.
But I still see new guns I would like to have, or think I can,t go on with out it.I have been addicted to smoking the same
with alcohol for many years of my early life. But came to grips with that I had to stop. I,m now retired & on a fixed income but
that has not exactly stoped me with this addiction. I can say this I have not bought any $1000 guns yet or will ever. I think
people that can afford them it is only money right. But I have as much enjoyment as any of you. My Avenger can shoot better
than me. I have come to the conclusion. (It is really more fun wanting something than having it) . Think about that. You want
something REALLY BAD, then you order it. You use & truly enjoy it , then the day comes a new model of what you have comes
out & all of a sudden you start wanting that, & put what ever you wanted before a side? Yes we have & still do that. The one
Great thing in getting old is you gain WISDOM. You can not teach wisdom, you must live it. God Bless all my friends here.

No, definitely not worst than drugs, this is a fine community of mostly men with “boys” inside them simply having fun for the brief escape it may provide us. Drugs put you on a “doom loop” airguns as a hobby? Simply fun…🙏 No connection at all between the two…🙏 Recognizing that “too much” of “anything” is just that…😈
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I reckon that there are drugs that are mostly harmless and then there are drugs that will destroy you utterly in just a few short years. How many of us have enjoyed our morning dose of caffeine for decades now? I know I have and when I do end up going without its not that bad. I like alcohol a bit too much, so I avoid that, but I know plenty of people who have zero problems with it and just enjoy an occasional drink or two. Then there are the drugs like fentanyl and meth and those just seem to turn people into monsters.

An airgun "addiction" is just you indulging in retail therapy. Buying things, receiving them and then using them during their novelty period releases dopamine, but not nearly as much as you would get from heavy drugs.
I bought a 250 ninja in 2008. Wanted to see how fast it would go offficially .
Next race is in September with a new motor. I am lost
At least it wasn't raining when you did it like I did.😁 At about 110 mph the back wheel tried to pass the front. You know, I should've listened to that voice telling me not to do it.😂🤣😂🤣 Didn't crash but did have to clean out my shorts.😁
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Ive fished, hunted and shot recurves, compound bows,rimfires,shotguns and airguns my whole life.. Ive owned at least 250-300 custom recurves,over a 100 muzzle loaders and 50-60 compound bows. At one time I had over 10,000.00 in just bass fishing tackle.
But Ive never smoked, drank very little except for a few yrs in my mid 20s so I believe its been money well spent because I enjoyed all of it.. Had beagles for 40 yrs hunting rabbits which is something I truly regret having to give up, nothing better then listening to a pack run rabbits.
Whenever my girlfriend says you don't really need all those guns, bows etc I always say I can always get most of my money back how about your hobbies :)
I will take my addictions over a needle in the arm or a hangover every day or weekend every time.
At least it wasn't raining when you did it like I did.😁 At about 110 mph the back wheel tried to pass the front. You know, I should've listened to that voice telling me not to do it.😂🤣😂🤣 Didn't crash but did have to clean out my shorts.😁
I have run in the rain. One day at the Maxton monster mile I was sitting on the start line and there was a mist . No rain on the big end. Someone wiped my face shield just before I launched. I came back around to thank whoever that was only to find out he was gone. It was Gene Winfield. The custom car builder.
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Your reflections are spot-on :) I’ve had my own journey with guns and smoking, and like you, I’ve found that sometimes the thrill is in the pursuit rather than the possession. I’ve quit smoking, and now I vape Lost Mary MO 20000 Pro which has been a fantastic change... Age does bring wisdom, and it sounds like you’ve found a great balance. Keep enjoying your passions <3