Is this ok to ship USPS

Just wanted to know is it ok to ship this AirForce tank with air in it shipping with USPS??
At sea level the air is pressing on the bottle at 14.7 psi per sq. in. So at the edge of space the cylinder would only have 14.7 PSI more pushing against the inside of the or in actuality have 14.7 psi less pushing against the outside of the bottle, no problem! Now USPS I believe has a reg against shipping anything with pressure in it. Have people shipped guns with pressure in them, yes. But is it against the regulations, I believe so. I've had a retailer send me a lead acid battery through the mail before which I know for a fact is against USPS regs. 
Why risk it. Just dump the air. However if it is going ground shipping you would be fine but if it is going air I would not take the chance. Hell, why risk it at all actually. The person is buying it you can assume that they have the means to fill it. As far as those getting filled airguns through the mail as I too have gotten. All had air. Not so much that they were topped off but there was on the reg pressure in it. All came shipped ground as far as I know. Going air might be a different story.
At sea level the air is pressing on the bottle at 14.7 psi per sq. in. So at the edge of space the cylinder would only have 14.7 PSI more pushing against the inside of the or in actuality have 14.7 psi less pushing against the outside of the bottle, no problem! Now USPS I believe has a reg against shipping anything with pressure in it. Have people shipped guns with pressure in them, yes. But is it against the regulations, I believe so. I've had a retailer send me a lead acid battery through the mail before which I know for a fact is against USPS regs.

Yeah, to the bottle, atmospheric pressure changes are negligible.

Possible temperature changes have a greater impact on what the gauge will read, but higher altitudes are colder, so chilling it would reduce the pressure in the bottle as well, as long as the seals are rated for the temperature, I expect everything to be fine.

I've shipped and received all sorts of guns and tanks, and the only empty ones were leakers :D