It is official, lead ban in Denmark


Apr 9, 2021
As always we Danes have to be the front runners, so we are the first country to instigate a ban on lead ammo for rifle hunters, which is said to put out 2 tonnes of lead every year,,,,,, though to me that seem like a huge number factoring in the little country and the few hunters there are here + the availability of game to shoot with a rifle.
As you might know little Denmark is the country in the world that have the most of its area farmed intensive, this leave little room for natural habitats for game.

Lead in shot gun ammo was banned here in 1996.
Some years before that there also was a ban on lead in fishing lures / tackle here.

There are however / thankfully no mention of us recreational / sports shooters, so maybe we get lucky this time around.

This ban will be enforced from April 2024
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It’s natural progress as anything gets popular and the need to protect our environment. Here in CA we banned lead ammo for hunt long ago so copper hunting rounds are the norm and no big deal. They even perform very well, sure they a few bucks more a box don’t need 1000 rounds to hunt. With airgun getting popular and some people want to bring to attention to the politicians just how many hunters with airguns are and petition to hunt bigger games then No doubt lead ammo for airgun will be banned for hunting one of these days. Currently we can hunt small games and Turkey with lead ammo here in CA.

However there are confusions on the lead ban for hunting vs target shooting. The ban is for HUNTING ONLY, you can shoot lead ammo at targets all day at ranges. Even at home I shoot into traps because I don’t want lead in my yard/soil. I like to preserve the environment and the shooting sport for my kids and their kids.
qball -

WHAT ??? in California will allow solid "copper" ammo to be used, indoors or out..!! I've never even heard of more than one (maybe two) specialty (self defense ammo) ammo manufacturers that make solid copper ammo !
If...I'm not mistaken, I believe that you mean copper OVER lead ammo, or in .22 form, copper "clad" (plated) over lead. And even THAT's not completely fact. There's more than a few, both hand gun and rifle ammo that has exposed let (soft tip) at the tip of the slug offered, sold in California. Can be bought at any sporting goods store here.

I think jacketed ( Cobber over lead ) ammo are pretty normal for hunting, and i also recall seeing some nasty pistol ammo that i think is / was all copper.
As with most people i think, then i dont care if this dont impact me personally, which i recognize are a unflattering property.

I do get the environment bandwagon thing, but as they often whip out the " for the children" excuse, which most often will make people jump any bandwagon.
Well i dont have any kids so that dont work on me, and it only infuriate me when they use sales tricks like that, CUZ it is a trick as they cant be bothered to do the actual pitch.
In regard to Lead, there are no reason to use creative / emotional strategies to sell a ban, it is pretty evident it is nasty stuff.

If i have been shopping and buy a ( expensive ) plastic grocery bag, i often say " then i can be part of people have something to swim in the future" though it is mostly pitch black irony on my part.

In Denmark we have a saying that go " jump the fence where it is lowest" that mean you are lazy and just want the easy way out.
I prefer to crawl that sucker and be cut to shreds all the way up and down, and for that most will label me stupid.

I will never be able to work in politics,,,,, i can barely do relationships,,,, hence why i have 1 friend and only 9 people or so have my phone number, and i would never ask more of anyone than i give myself.
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This is why we need regulation as anyone can see in just 5 posts from 4 people that no one can agree. Sadly this my view is more correct from everyone is the reason we have regulations, while I don't agree with all the regulations I do understand the need and support "most" of them. This is already anti social media at it's finest! LOL!
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This is why we need regulation as anyone can see in just 5 posts from 4 people that no one can agree. Sadly this my view is more correct from everyone is the reason we have regulations, while I don't agree with all the regulations I do understand the need and support "most" of them. This is already anti social media at it's finest! LOL!

I like the "idea" of land of the free, even if it means survival of the fittest lol. Regulations can take a hike.
qball -

WHAT ??? in California will allow solid "copper" ammo to be used, indoors or out..!! I've never even heard of more than one (maybe two) specialty (self defense ammo) ammo manufacturers that make solid copper ammo !
If...I'm not mistaken, I believe that you mean copper OVER lead ammo, or in .22 form, copper "clad" (plated) over lead. And even THAT's not completely fact. There's more than a few, both hand gun and rifle ammo that has exposed let (soft tip) at the tip of the slug offered, sold in California. Can be bought at any sporting goods store here.

Theres lots of solid copper ammo being produced and manufacturers of solid copper bullets. I work for an ammunition manufacturer and pretty much all major bullet manufacturers make either a solid copper bullet line or a hybrid of a copper jacket and a non lead core. Hornady makes the NTX bullet line specifically to comply with californias lead ban for hunting. Theres other states that have also restricted lead for hunting ammunition. Barnes, cutting edge, nosler, remington, hammer bullets to name a few companies that make solid copper bullets or a non traditional core that makes a lead free bullet for restricted areas.
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Theres lots of solid copper ammo being produced and man manufacturers of solid copper bullets. I work for an ammunition manufacturer and pretty much all major bullet manufacturers make either a solid copper bullet line or a hybrid of a copper jacket and a non lead core. Hornad makes the NTX bullet line specifically to comply with californias lead ban for hunting. Theres other states that have also restricted lead for hunting ammunition. Barnes, cutting edge, nosler, remington, hammer bullets to name a few companies that make solid copper bullets or a non traditional core that makes a lead free bullet for restricted areas.
I use .380 that are made with polymer and copper projectiles made to spread the energy out in flesh and bone , much larger hole
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I like the "idea" of land of the free, even if it means survival of the fittest lol. Regulations can take a hike.

The “idea” of land of the “free” only applies when you are the only one on it or you own the land. On public land the idea quickly goes down the toilet when 2 “free” people cross path that want to be “free” slightly differently. California is the most populist state of the union and as the result you see a lot of the result of being “free” and realize the need for regulations. There is no freedom with out boundaries unless you are the only one left, more people equates to more regulations. It’s that simple, every year many in the US die of falling stray bullets minding their own business curtesy of “freedom”.
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no one can agree.
Agree. this is why the old Greeks came up with demos krtatos, as we need someone with insight and maybe a little brains to take be unpopular decisions.

The one and IMO very important thing that we have forgotten is the annual votes where the worst politicians would be voted out,,, like all out of "town" for 10 years.
I think the name is in the word ostracized

But we have forgotten this and so bad politicians plague us all.

If this post is too political, just say BAD BRIAN and i will delete it ASAP.
The “idea” of land of the “free” only applies when you are the only one on it or you own the land. On public land the idea quickly goes down the toilet when 2 “free” people cross path that wants to be “free” slightly directly. California is the most populist state of the union and as the result you see a lot of the result of being “free” and realize the need for regulations. There is no freedom with our boundaries unless you are the only one left, more people equates to more regulations. It’s that simple, Every year many in the US die of falling stray bullets minding their own business curtesy of “freedom”.

The idea of land of the free applies when we decide enough of the regulations , taxations, etc and self govern, wild wild west, a lot of the worlds problems would go away , I dont need the govt to survive or tell me how to live... Stray bullets? thats what you wanna talk about when discussing regulations lol? I respect your knowledge on airguns 100% but this , not so much.
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For the most here, the general public will also have some access to your private property, so say you own a forested area, maybe you do a little logging on the side.
Well you can not keep the public out of there, you can restrict people to only use established paths, and you can also do ruled for dogs off leash, horseback riding ASO.
I also think you can restrict access totally on some days, say if you are logging or something like that.
If you have a beach front villa, well from the waters edge and 2 M in, the public are generally allowed to be, they can move there but not bathe ASO there, but say a guy fishing he can pass your property as he fish the area slowly moving to a side to cover more area.

You are also now allowed to pitch camp in any public forest now though it is preferred if you use designated areas and only for 1 night.
And you must leave the area as you found it,,,,, or as i prefer to do even better as i often pick up other peoples trash as i share my country with many animals on 2 legs.

In Sweden they have something called " all man right",,, aside for a lot more space too, this mean you can pretty much camp where you please.
You do still have to buy a fishing permit if you like i have done go fishing up there.
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This is why we need regulation as anyone can see in just 5 posts from 4 people that no one can agree. Sadly this my view is more correct from everyone is the reason we have regulations, while I don't agree with all the regulations I do understand the need and support "most" of them. This is already anti social media at it's finest! LOL!
I guess I see it differently. The disagreement is about the regulation, ergo, no regulation, no disagreement. Oversimplified maybe, but I believe fundamentally true. Regulations are often poorly written, and by people with no relevant experience.
And we Danes and the Swedes we get it ON.
Thru history we have been at war for over 30 years, and when it come to that silly game Americans call sucker, well the game are still ON.
And we also like to rip at each other, even if those cave dwelling trolls over there are not terrible good at it.

Actually there are still a old law, so if the water between Sweden and Denmark freeze over again, and a Swede walk across it,,, i as a Dane are allowed to strike him.
Last time they kicked our ass they did that, walked across the frozen water and damn near sacked the whole country.
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The idea of land of the free applies when we decide enough of the regulations , taxations, etc and self govern, wild wild west, a lot of the worlds problems would go away , I dont need the govt to survive or tell me how to live... Stray bullets? thats what you wanna talk about when discussing regulations lol? I respect your knowledge on airguns 100% but this , not so much.

We can agree to disagree. Obviously you live where you have more space/less people and less impacted by others. The “we” you talked about clearly is a small group of people who’s ideas align which is a luxury many people live in higher population area do not have.

Yes, a lot of regulations are out of knee jerk reaction and poorly conceived and even worse implemented but not all. Again, you will understand need for laws and regulations once you are negatively impacted by the actions of others “freedom”. If you haven’t been negatively impacted by others then the law/regulation will seem stupid.

Sadly American people in general wants easy button or simple answers to complex problems except that doesn’t exist. Do laws designed to address issues in high population areas apply to low population areas? Of course no and same goes to lack of laws that works fine in rural areas apply to high density city streets. Clearly it’s not possible for most people to open their minds and put themselves in other peoples’ shoes and try to understand their perspective. The anti social media has made me being the center of universe mentality very fashionable. It’s ironic to see same “freedom” people react to crimes in inner cities with the cry of law and order, clearly the inner city folks have a lot of freedom and no one can tell them how to live their lives.

I have ZERO problem with anyone’s freedom to do anything if it doesn’t negatively affect others.
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