Spread the word! Christmas is coming early for FT shooters!
Santa is bringing us warm temps this Sat, so the Tulsa Airgun Club is Hosting a Dec Match on Sat 14 Dec.
Come out and shoot or just come out and hang out with us.
Just like last month:
Field Target WITHOUT the forced lanes and all the groaning that accompany them. We have 30 targets on 10 lanes. The Difficulty is a little higher. Air tanks will be provided. For the HardHeaded core we might have optional kneeling and standing lanes. (and a hand mirror for Annie Oakley over-the-shoulder shots)
With an overnight low of 46 and match temperatures in the 50s, we are looking forward to good match weather.
We are pushing the match time back an hour, so: Gun Club opens at 8:00, Practice range opens at 9:00, shooters meeting at 10:15, Match starts at 10:30 sharp.
AAFTA rules apply, we will have a 60 shot match on 10 lanes with NO standing and kneeling lanes.
All rifles must be in a case or rifle carrier when moving between lanes.
Entry fee is $10 - $0 for first time shooters.
RV hook ups are available for $20/night, Water and Electric, no sewer or dumping station.
Call 918-272-0262 The Gun Club is open Wed, Fri-Sun so call ahead to reserve and let them know you are using the facility.
Tulsa Gun Club is at 8888 Mohawk Blvd.
Exit at 56th street North and go East if coming Via Hwy 75.
Search Google maps for a pin on “Tulsa gun club eagle ops rally point” and that puts you at our meeting spot.
Eye protection is required by the club - there WILL be lead shot landing on us from the sporting clays range - but we are not allowed to return fire.
Match Director,
Curtis Nelson
Santa is bringing us warm temps this Sat, so the Tulsa Airgun Club is Hosting a Dec Match on Sat 14 Dec.
Come out and shoot or just come out and hang out with us.
Just like last month:
Field Target WITHOUT the forced lanes and all the groaning that accompany them. We have 30 targets on 10 lanes. The Difficulty is a little higher. Air tanks will be provided. For the Hard
With an overnight low of 46 and match temperatures in the 50s, we are looking forward to good match weather.
We are pushing the match time back an hour, so: Gun Club opens at 8:00, Practice range opens at 9:00, shooters meeting at 10:15, Match starts at 10:30 sharp.
AAFTA rules apply, we will have a 60 shot match on 10 lanes with NO standing and kneeling lanes.
All rifles must be in a case or rifle carrier when moving between lanes.
Entry fee is $10 - $0 for first time shooters.
RV hook ups are available for $20/night, Water and Electric, no sewer or dumping station.
Call 918-272-0262 The Gun Club is open Wed, Fri-Sun so call ahead to reserve and let them know you are using the facility.
Tulsa Gun Club is at 8888 Mohawk Blvd.
Exit at 56th street North and go East if coming Via Hwy 75.
Search Google maps for a pin on “Tulsa gun club eagle ops rally point” and that puts you at our meeting spot.
Eye protection is required by the club - there WILL be lead shot landing on us from the sporting clays range - but we are not allowed to return fire.

Match Director,
Curtis Nelson