Its not a RAW but it will do....

Strikey, congrats on the new rifle. Don't sell the FX short compared to the RAW. Both are great rifles.

I have the Royal in .22 and it is a tack driver. You can do anything with the FX that you can do with the RAW. In competent hands both are borderline unbelievable. The FX brand had ruled the Extreme Bench Rest for the past three years. That alone is a testament to their quality, and accuracy. Just save and get a RAW at a later date if you still desire one.

What scope did you go with?
Not selling the FX's short just that it seems there has a been a bit of a rush on the RAW HM's lately, bloody nice rifles they are too but they are hard to come by down here in Oz so a RAW will stay on the wishlist for now,lol, I also have a Royale 400.177 and am very happy with its accuracy, shot count, low maintenance, just about everything actually, but was not impressed with the first 500 that was sent to me, full credit to FX and our Aussie importer for correcting the issues I had with it. The scope is a Nightforce BR 8-32X I had laying around after I sold my F/class rifle.
Thanks, fella's, I think I will be happy with it as I am a fan of the Royale line.
30cal, I stocked up on JSB Kings & Heavies awhile ago after reading Harry's reports on them, we only have the MK1's available down here at the moment but I am certain they will be fine, will post up some results when I get a chance to shoot it.

Strikefast, Crikey you might be onto something there, hahaha, if you ever get a chance to come Downunder you can test the toilets for yourself,lol, and there is always a cold beer here for you.
Paulcat, thanks mate, I have been a customer of Potter's for a few years now, their service is exceptional but you have another good dealer down your way if you want to try H&N pellets, give Klaus at ACME Firearms a call, sorry don't know how to link, good bloke & good service.
"strikefast"Strikey, did not realize you were from down under. On my wish list of go to Australia...

By the he way is your handle misspelled? Shouldn't it be "Krikey" ? Oh yeah I know the toilets run counter clockwise so do the pellets do the same? Sorry, just some attempt at stupid humour from a Yank!

Who would have thought people can get so pre-occupied with toilet water, thanks ztirffritz, had a good laugh!